The Red Brick Time Keeper

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The Beginning:

Thump thump, thump thump.

That's all I could hear ringing in my ears. Over and over. What is that? Make it stop I screamed.

To whom I don't know nobody was there. At first I couldn't register the sound, it was foreign to me. Then something clicked and I instantly knew what it was. A heartbeat. But whose? It got louder and louder until it drowned out everything.

 I couldn't hear or see anything. That's when it all went blank.

The Alley:

  I woke up in an alley about 5 minutes ago. Have you ever gotten that feeling like someone is watching you but you just can't seem to find them? I have been getting that feeling a lot lately. And it's always when I’m alone.

I have been here before, I suddenly thought. But when, I didn't remember. Maybe a dream or something. Well I don't know.

I get up and start walking down the alley. As I am walking the wall opens up before my eyes. That's when I know I’m dreaming.

 I walk up to this radiant glow of light pouring through the opening. Beyond the light there was a busy street.

I hesitantly walked through, not knowing what was going to happen. I ended up on the other side of the wall, on the busy street. No one stared at me, they just acted like this happened every day.

 I started walking down the street when I realize I was down town. If I haven't mentioned I’m from North Dakota. Oh and my name is Charlotte Greys, you can call me Char.

 I went around the bend and down two streets to my apartment building. I went to open the door and I remembered I left my key in the house. So I went around back through the alley.

THE alley.

The same one I was stuck in and hour ago.

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