Me Again?

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Well here I am again, back on the cold ground. With nowhere to go. THUMP THUMP, THUMP THUMP. Did you here that? Cause I know I did, again. Again with that thumping. The…the heartbeat, I think. Where could that possibly be coming from, there is no one here that I know about.

So I decide to investigate, where I don’t know because I can see everything. But I get up and examine the red brick walls, nothing. The ground is wet and lacks information, no footprints or anything. I head back over to sit down when my phone rings. My first thought, I have service here? It’s a text and it says: Did you look up? My phone number? I look up, same as the walls; bricks. That was useless.

I sit and stare at the walls for what feels like 20 minutes. Then the bricks start to push away from the placement and fall everywhere. As if it’s caving in. then I hear a scream from the other side. It’s growing louder. Who is that, or more importantly what is that?

The wall crumbles completely and I see myself walking down the busy street. I walk through and follow myself down the street to my apartment building. That’s when I realize that this is the past. That this happened earlier, keyword there is the earlier! As in this isn’t happening now. Did I hit my head or fall or like go into Acoma?

What is going on? I walk around back, to the alley. Not again! Here I am in the alley again only this time something’s different.  Past me is here too. I’m not by myself! I wonder if we are able to communicate.  I walk up to her and tap her on the shoulder. Meanwhile someone is tapping me on the shoulder. I turn around, no one is there. When I turn back she is looking at me.

“You messed with time, you have changed the past. You have the power only few have, and many are jealous of. You have the power to enter the past present and future. It has run through your family for many generations on your father’s side. I understand you know very little about your father, and now you have found why. You Charlotte are a Time Keeper.” She said.

Whoa, what just happened?

“You said I am a Time Keeper? What is that, how can I even believe you? Why should I listen? I am talking to myself.” I reply.

You’re talking to yourself Char, you’re crazy, yourself for crying out loud. I was so in thought I didn’t even hear her begin to talk.

“I understand your confusion, why are you giving yourself information you didn’t know you had. But you have known this for a while now, you just didn’t know. You have been seeing the signs; you have heard the heartbeat, have you not?” She finished.

But I went still, stiff as a board. I was lost.

“You are trying to tell me that…” I had a loss of words. “That I can access time, time that hasn’t even happened yet or…you are saying I can stop things from happening in the future, and … and change things from the past? You do realize you sound crazy right now?” I finally choke out.

It’s quiet for a while.

“I mean how did I end up in the alley anyway. And who is following me? Who was that that screamed?”

Everything fell silent. Creepy silent. Then she looked up and started to babble.

“My time here is limited. I’m only allowed to tell you so much; you are supposed to learn yourself. It’s your first test. Someone who you love dearly will die tonight, and it’s your job to save him. I have brought you back to the past to help give you more time, you must use it wisely.” Loud thunder interrupted her, and we both jumped. “I have already said too much. Go now before it is too late, save him, help him. You can do it. I believe in you and you have to believe in you too. Go….”

Go where?

“Wait come back, you have to help me.”

 She was gone. She just vanished into midair leaving me there alone.

Then I hear the scream again.

* thanks for reading. i really tried to pick up this chapter and make it more interesting. please leave comments. fan and vote thanks again. -Katie *

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2011 ⏰

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