Chapter 1: The Elevator ride

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I walk onto the elevator to see Zac pressed up against some slut. Then I get a closer look at the girl and realize it's Suzy Allen. The stubborn, annoying, and rude girl of the school.

"Oh, hey Kelsey, enjoying the show?" Suzy asks. I hate when she does this, rubs what she has in people's faces. "Whoa, you got me." I say with sarcasm. She scoffs as Zac stifles a small laugh. Suzy ignores me and continues kissing Zac. The elevator eventually dings, signaling that it's stopping on a floor. Mine and Zac's floor. As the doors open I grip Zac by shirt and yank him apart from Suzy's lips and onto the floor. He gets up and shakes the dirt off himself.

"What was that for?!" Zac begins. He usually gets mad when I break up his session. One time, he was outside a restaurant with some girl and they were making out. Zac's mom pulled up so I shoved the girl into the bushes and got in the car with Zac. He didn't talk to me for two days.

"It's our floor and our parents need us home for dinner!" I shove him a little.
I knew this was a mistake, because Zac is overly competitive. He shoved me with all his strength and sent me flying backwards in mid air into some hot guy's arms. I stare at the random strangers sky blue eyes and gorgeous blonde hair. He smiles and puts me down, still with an arm around me.
Zac immediately rushed over.

"Okay, you can get off her now." Zac says.

"Hey! You're the one that shoved her in the first place! You're just lucky I caught her in time!" The stranger argues. I urge my eyes to meet his.

"I'm Kelsey." I say.

"James." He takes his arm from around me and sets me up straight.

"Let's go Kels," Zac grabs my wrist. I fight to my freedom and continue talking to James.

"So what's your number?" He asks shyly. Yes! I'm about to get a guy's number that's not a freak and totally hot.

I grab his phone and put my number in, which he does the same to my phone.

"Um... Do you have plans tomorrow?" James asks. Ugh! I have to go to the movies with Zac, it's our annual Friday tradition.

"I do, but not on Saturday." I smile. Zac and I walk away back to our apartments.

"I can't believe you gave your number to that idiot!" Zac yells.

"I can't believe you shoved me!" I yell back. Zac quits the nonsense and we go back to our apartments in peace. After my dinner of soup I go outside to meet Zac. He grips an arm around my waist and pull me into the elevator.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2016 ⏰

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