The Final Warning

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-Hi Iris...yes, sure, please sit down. Do you want something to drink?-Matt seemed a bit surprised with her address, and also a bit guilty. They hadn't known each other for long, but still he felt he had somehow betrayed her.

-Thank you, no I'm fine. I just...wanted to know how you were holding up.

-How I was holding up?

-Well, yeah, I mean, you've discovered who the Flash really was, you've learned the truth about Liz, you're learning about your own powers...that seems like a lot to process in such a short time.

He looked at her with a small grin, puzzled.

-I'm sorry, but, haven't you just found out about all those same things yourself? I should be the one asking you how you're holding up.

-It's not the same; I have been working with the Flash for all this time, investigating him, writing about him. This was just figuring out the face behind the mask.


She seemed to hesitate a bit.

-I mean, sure, I also wanted to kill him of course, but...I was already immersed in this world. My dad's a cop, Barry is also a CSI, this wasn't such a blow. But for you...knowing that Liz was the Black Hood, it must have turned your world upside down.

He shrugged his shoulders, trying not to look so serious.

-Well it certainly did. But to be honest, when I found out I was more worried about her safety than about the fact she hadn't told me who she was.

-For real? But she's got all this powers, why would you be worried about that?

-How could I not be? She was being...sorry, is being chased by a bunch of evil, powerful people, and doesn't even think of running away.-He spoke, his face still showing the same outraged expression it had back on the treadmill room.-She stayed to protect everyone, she fought with them to save me. And she almost got herself killed.

Iris nodded, sensing she was getting somewhere with that speech.

-Come on, Matt, you know her. She's brave, righteous and completely selfless. You knew she would stay and fight.

-I know, that's why I love her.

And the second those words came out of him, he turned totally red. She smiled, trying not to embarrass him even more.

-I, I mean I love her as a friend, because that's what she is. My best friend.


-I don' her, I...I mean...

-Matt, it's okey.-She smiled, as an attempt to calm him down, because he looked miserable. He moved his head sideways, like trying to find a way to escape that nightmare, then he covered his face with his hands, and sighed.

-How do did you know?

-I may not have superpowers, but I've got eyes, you know.

-I'm...I just...-He sighed again.-God, I never thought I would be having this conversation with you.

-I know, look, I know we aren't that close, but...I just wanted you to know, you can trust me. I have...a friend, that went through the same situation, and I know it's painful. So, I guess I just wanted to know how you were.

He looked straight at her, who was giving him her best friendly smile. But he didn't give it back.

-How am I supposed to be, Iris? I'm madly inloved with her, she's the sweetest, gentlest, kindest, most powerful woman I've ever known, and she loves someone else, who happens to be a superhero too. How am I to compete with that?

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