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02:00, Classified Military Bunker, Somewhere in the Eastern US.

The Guard had been told by the Higher-Ups to go stand out in the rain and make sure that the scientists had a "smooth landing". They hadn't actually said to stand in the rain, as they probably had no idea what the weather was and most likely wouldn't give a damn if they did, but this did nothing to console the drenched guard as he unfolded the collar of his trench-coat in a futile effort to stop water from running down his neck and then down his back. It wasn't a light spring rain either, it was a constant deluge of water, soaking everything in its way until it couldn't be more saturated than it was. There had been news of severe flooding, severe seemed an understatement. Three of the six major highways that could access the base were closed, drowned under three to five feet of water in some places. Which s why the bases most urgent visitors were going to arrive by helicopter and not ground transport. He looked up from his losing battle with the elements to see the blinking lights of a military helicopter in the distance and as it got closer he could barely hear the hum of its rotors spinning over the sounds of the lashing rain and booming thunder. As it landed he guided it down to its assigned spot and it settled in. Immediately a thin man in a tweed suit burst out and made for the door. The guard realized by the man's apparel and briefcase that this must be their expected guest and made no move to stop him, he just opened the door for him, gave a friendly nod, and went to talk to the pilot in hopes of getting inside and having a decent nights sleep. Unfortunately neither he nor any other human on that base would live long enough to do so.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2016 ⏰

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