Chapter 17

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I freeze unsure of what to think. It was like with all this sadness I felt my heart skip with joy. I get up and walk towards the crying and that's when I see them. My beautiful baby girl and handsome baby boy. They look so sweet and innocent. My daughter is the only one crying while my son is still fast asleep. I pick up my baby girl very gently, afraid that I might break her with how tiny she is. I rock her and just stare at her until I see her fall asleep. I then lay her down and cover her with her pink blanket. I look at Ana and then back at the twins. "I promise I will always protect you and your mommy because I love you all so much and I would be destroyed and nothing without all of you in my life.


Ana's POV:

I hear crying, wondering where it's coming from. My heart tugs for the crying person. Why can't I move, why can't I get up? Where is my family and Blake? Then all of a sudden it's quiet. Then I hear Blake's voice soothing the person who was crying. I just wonder why is he not by my side. I open my eyes slowly, and am happy to find out that the lights are off, my head is spinning so it hurts a little to open them without getting dizzy. I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling. I see some wires and also notice this isn't my home. I turn my head and see machines with numbers and lines. I try to lift my hand to rub my eyes but they are a bit restraint. I turn my head to look what is blocking it when I see him.

There's Blake sitting in a chair holding a baby. My hand goes immediately to my stomach and my bulging bump isn't there anymore. Blake is speaking to this little girl and she just stares at him listening to every single word coming out of his mouth. I start to cry at how beautiful this is. It seems like yesterday I just found out the news and now here is my fiance and my baby together with me. I look around the room and see another little bundle in a crib sleeping. Blake gets up and sets the little girl down. He turns towards me and his eyes open in shock. He runs towards me grabbing my hand while taking the hair out of my face.

"Hi baby, I love you so much." He breaks down crying and holding me tightly and I just rub his hair trying to calm him. "Why are you crying Blake, is everything okay?" I ask him wondering if everyone is okay. "Ana you went into a coma after losing blood and having to do an emergency C-Section to get the twins out." I look at him so upset and I feel bad. " I'm so sorry Blake for making you so worried but I'm here babe and I am never leaving you, I promise." Blake picks up his head and kisses me like its the end of the world and I kiss him back just as much. "Now Blake can you hand me a cup of water because my throat is killing me." He chuckles, "No problem Ana." I have a big cup of water and feel a hundred times better already. I try to sit up and wince because of the pain in my stomach. Blake notices and holds me down. "No Ana, the doctor said if you woke up that you would have to rest and relax because of the c-section, if you push yourself to much you can open the stitches." I nod my head and lay down. "Just rest babe and when you wake up in the morning, I'll have the doctor check on you and you can finally see our little ones." I nod my head and get comfortable. "I love you Blake." "I love you too Ana." He kisses my forehead and I slowly drift off back to sleep.

I wake up to crying and wonder what that is. When I open my eyes I remember what happened last night and that the crying is my little ones. I see Blake coming out of the bathroom drying his hands on a towel walking towards the babies. "Blake." I call out to him. He turns and smiles. "Good morning babe, just press the button on the side of the bed so the doctor can come into the room to check you." I nod while pressing the button, hoping the doctor can do a quick checkup so I can hold my babies. I hear the door open and see the doctor. "Good morning Ana, I am so glad that you are up." "Thank you doctor, and I am glad as well. I was just wondering if you have to do a check up or anything because I really want to hold my babies." The doctor smiles and grabs my chart. "Well from what the nurses, you have been healing very well, while you were in a coma. All I really need to check is your stitches from the c-section and have a nurse come in and clean it. Other than that you will be holding your babies very soon." I grin and do a happy dance very painfully. The doctor chuckles and starts looking at the stitches on my stomach. "Well the scar is healing very well, and should be completely healed in the next 2-3 months. Just avoid any heavy lifting and activity that would irritate it. We will check it when your bring the twins in for checkup. I am going to go now, the nurse will be in shortly to clean it up. Have a good day now." "Thank you doctor, you too."

He walks out the room and just like he said the nurse shortly walked in. "Hi, how are you feeling this morning?" "I am feeling well, other than a bit pain from the c-section and my boobs." "That's normal for both, you haven't breastfed yet so you are a bit backed up and it can be painful sometimes." She finishes cleaning up my stitches and setting a new bandage. "Do you want to sit up or would you prefer to stay laying down?" "Please let me sit up I want to see my babies and hold them." She smiles and nods. The bed slowly moves up at an angle to help me sit down. It hurts a bit but my excitement to see the babies is more then the pain. "Am I allowed to breast feed them." "Yes you are, I'll show you how to adjust their bodies and how to latch on." Blake brings over our little boy and puts him in my arms. He has these beautiful big eyes that stare at me, and I can't help but stare back. It's like we are having a conversation with our eyes and neither of us can turn our head. Our baby boy is just so handsome and perfect. I start to cry because all of these feelings are so overwhelming but I don't want to let him go. The nurse helps me adjust him and it takes a couple of times but eventually he latched on and was drinking away. But what they say is true, breastfeeding is a bond that just can't be replicated or ignored, it's amazing.

After awhile he finished and she taught me how they needed to be burped. Then Blake took him, gave him a kiss on the forehead and put him down. Our baby girl was crying, so Blake picked her up. She was still a bit fussy so I held out my arms so I can breastfeed her as well. This time the nurse just watched and let me do it on my own. Blake laid her down in my arms and just like our baby boy, she had these big beautiful eyes. So innocent and joyful. I started to cry again. It just crazy to think how long it has been from the moment I found out I was pregnant to actually having them here in the world with me. I adjusted her and she latched on instantly and drank away. Once she finished, the nurse taught Blake how to burp her and he learned quickly. He gave her a kiss on the forehead and put her down. He said they both fell asleep.

The nurse looked at us and smiled. "According to the doctor, he said that you guys were doing very well and that you and the babies can all go home tomorrow." Me and Blake both smiled and gave our thanks. She walked out of the room and Blake came to the bed and laid down with me. "Tomorrow we can finally go home and start to be a family in our home raising and taking care of our babies." Blake smiled and kiss my nose and then my lips. "I can't wait babe, it's going to be perfect." We both talked for a bit more and then went to sleep.


Well I hope this was good enough, it took me forever to write. It's like I got an idea wrote a paragraph, then nothing. So I watched like two movies and two episodes of an anime and right in the middle of the show, it came back and I continued it. And throughout the episode I kept pausing and writing. It was a lot harder then I thought. I want to let you all know that the next chapter will be our epilogue. So I was wondering should I just leave the story as it is or should I do another book about the children. I also want to thank everyone who sent their condolences to me.  I already accepted the thought, it's just hard whenever I think about calling him or wanting to go to his house. Anyway once again I hope you liked the chapter and that it wasn't too boring. I hope you guys had a good day or night. Until next time<3

16 and Pregnant {**Completed**}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora