Chapter 5 - Injure and recover

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I ached all over as I was greeted by the cold stone wall. It felt like a million knives had just stabbed my back. I grunt in pain, still out of it. What brought me back was the sound of loud bangs on the door, coming from the other side. I could here Riley shouting my name in a panic. I look to my right to see the chains bolted to the wall begin to rise. My stomach dropped and I try to stand up only to fall back down again. My whole body aches. The door fell to the ground with Riley running forward. I look up at him with a gratefully, what took me by surprise were his eyes. They glowed a golden colour. I didn't know what to think. The chains fell and my body felt lighter.

"Michelle! Are you okay?" Riley asks.
"Not really, I-I-I have n-no idea what j-just happened." I stutter, "did that just happen?" Multiple voice could be heard coming from outside. Did I really gain that much attention?!
"Alright, everyone back. There's nothing to see here. Please give the kids some space." Employees shout out to the onlookers. "Miss, are you okay? We're going to exchange you to the hospital to treat your injuries. We're also going to call your parents too. "

Hospital exposition~
The white room seems glaring as it is the main colour in room. My parents sat on the chairs near the exit whilst the doctor looked at the injuries on my back.
"Be lucky that you only came out with some minor bruising and scratches. You seem to have come in more often with your arm last week and now this." Doctor Andrews informed you. He was a family friend and I've  known him for such a long time. He was always there for me whenever I got injured, as a matter of fact, he would help when anyone was hurt. His warm smile cheered his patients and his qualities make him such an easy person to talk to. "Can I hear what happened. I'm still kinda confused on how you managed to get these kinds of injuries." He asked. Looking back on it nothing seemed right.
"I kinda fell down, really hard." I lie.
"And the door closed and locked by itself?" He questions. I nod. "Funny huh? Are you sure it wasn't the paranormal? Maybe a ghost did it?"
"No, that's out of the question. I'm sure I fell down. With a place that old there are bound to be some dodgy doors and the stone floor was bound to be slippery. It looks like that room has been neglected for decades." I refute. The doctor gives a little chuckle before assessing your injuries one last time. He writes notes on his clipboard before finally letting me free.

I exit and signal to my parents that everything was fine. I was left alone so my parents and Dr Andrews could speak in private. I sit in the chair that was placed outside the room my parents were speaking in. I pull out my phone to check for any messages. 2 new messages. Unlocking my phone I first look at what Riley has sent me.

Hey, you okay? I told the others about what happened and they're all worried about you. Anyway, txt me when u get this.

I chuckle at the message and how sincere Riley.

Haha, thanks so much. The doctor said I was lucky since there are only some small scratches and bruises but he told me to take it slow.

Yeah you should. About the article. Do you wanna discuss it with the rest of the group when we get back on Monday? Mitch volunteered to look up the history and get some photos for us.

That would be so helpful. We'll talk about it on Monday then.

You should get some rest for now. Txt u later.

Thanks, bye

Just in time, your parents came out with the doctor holding a pill bottle and a cream container. My parents thanked the doctor and we saw ourselves out. On the way back my mother explained what the medication was for and all the kinds of health precautions needed to take. As much as I hate it, I had to listen. But it seems that for every injury, there is a new discovery.

4:00pm - Home
The car pulled up to the familiar driveway and I jump out of the car and headed for the entrance. As soon as I enter I rush to my room, isolating myself to gather my thoughts and calm down.

Pulling out my phone once again, I go to check the other message.

Hey, mich x
I heard what happened from Riley, you okay?

Yeah, I'm alright. The doctor did check my and said I was lucky to come out with only a few cuts and bruises. I heard ur doing some research on the prison. Thanks for that.

Oh yeah. No problem. I was snooping around the house and I found some old documents in the house and they seem to have a lot of info. I'm gonna read them 2nite to see if there is anything interesting.

That's cool. I see you on Monday then.

Placing my phone on the bedside table. I decide to finish the work assigned for the weekend, the ones I had neglected. Time passed by quite quickly but my work wasn't finishing any faster. Reading the next question, 3 loud bangs erupted from my door which simultaneously caught my attention and made me jump. I stomp towards the door to see what caused the ruckus and of course it was Aiden. With an irritated look, I lean against my door frame and snarl.
"What your problem."
"Dinners ready, also there's no need to be that angry." He replies with the same maniacal smirk.
"Maybe next time, you shouldn't bash on someone's door to get there attention. It's only a light knock. Wouldn't kill to do that instead." My comment seems to have put my brother at a halt. Knowing he had no more snide remarks I push past him towards the served chicken stir fry on the table.

~le time skip~

Our meal finished and I head back to my fortress of solitude aka my room. By the time it reached 10:15 I had finished the work, finally. My eyelids grew tired and I couldn't help but ignore the throbbing sensation on my back and legs from the recent accident. Once again, I feel like my my own friends are hiding something. But what is it? And why?

To protect you, and keep you safe.

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