Chapter 2

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We were getting ready. None of us could quite believe this was actually happening. We had just gotten our tickets three days earlier. Front seats, the best there is. We were hoping for VIP passes or something, but no. We couldn’t complain though, at least we were going. This was every girls dream. How’d we get so lucky? My life was hell and this was just like the one good thing that’s happened since god knows how long. “Girls! Let’s go!” Zoey’s mom was the only one who’d actually take us.

We’re in England. London to be exact. This is only our second day here, since we arrived late last night. We’re staying in a hotel not far from where we’re going. A lot people were there when we arrived, since we were almost too late. A guy came and led us to our seats. It was amazing! “This place is huge!” Lee said. “And we have perfect seats too!” Zoey added in. We talked to a few other directioners as we were waiting. Almost everyone was wearing a 1D shirt that we all bought before we came in. Including Lierra, Zoey, and myself.

“HELLLOOOO ENGLAND! HOW ARE YOU ALL TONIGHT!?” All five boys ran out on stage. This was it. We were here watching the most amazing guys in the world live, in person. This was actually a dream come true. “Thought I saw a girl brought to life...” they started off with torn. It was amazing. When they sang little things almost everyone was crying. Even my Niall started crying. They sat on the edge of stage right in front of all of us. I didn’t cry though. I just couldn’t take my eyes off of the boy I thought I loved. The next song they sang was teenage dirtbag. Still my eyes were locked on Niall. He was just so perfect. How can he mean the world to me but I be nothing more than just another fan to him.

“That was amazing!!!” Zoey shouted in my ear after they sang about 100 songs. “AND THAT WAS MY EAR!!” I shouted back louder at her. We all laughed, as Lierra went to lead the way out. I grabbed her arm. “Wait… You guys wanna do something?” I asked them smiling. “That smile is never a good thing Aubrey… I’m in!” “Me too!” I smiled, “That settles it! Follow me!” and with that we were off on another stupid adventure that I had just thought of.

Zoey and Lierra followed close behind me as I led them to a door. I looked around to make sure no one was watching and we slipped in. Honestly, I was a little scared, but at the same time this may be the only concert I ever get the chance to come to so I had to take the chance. We were walking through a hall when I saw a security guard. I quickly grabbed them and pulled them into a room. I have no clue what room we’re in, but it’s dark. “What the hell Aubrey!?” Zoey yelled at me. “Shut. Up. Zoey. Just be quiet or we’ll get kicked out.” I whispered to her. Footsteps were going past the door “I saw them! I’m not crazy! They were in here! 3 of them!” A lady was talking to the security. I went to crack open the door to see if anyone was around so we could sneak out. Just as I put my hand on the handle, it turned and the door opened…

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