A new beginning

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Makayla's P.O.V.
Today is the start of something new *queue the high school musical song* but really life is funny one minute you are up in the clouds and the next you are face first in the ground. Let's just leave it at that. All I know is that I need a new start, a new beginning, a change in my life right now. To not bore you I won't go over everything I'll just let you know I had to leave, I had to start again somewhere else, somewhere different. I guess that's why I am here in this run down building by myself. I am still in school, well I'm meant to be but right now that's the least of my worries. I am 16 turning 17 later this year and here I am living on my own. I guess I didn't work this part out very well. I mean if you were in my shoes you would probably do the same thing. I know you think I am crazy for doing this I really never thought I'd be here but you know Ive heard worse. My life right now sounds like one of those made up stories that everyone thinks are to far fetched but here I am living that far fetched "story". I think school is probably the best option for me considering that I can't really be staying here unless I am going to a school. Sounds weird but the guy who owns this place said he didn't mind as long as I get an education I mean when he heard what I had been through it was kinder hard to say no to letting me stay. Tomorrow I will go down to the school and see what they say. I guess you are wondering and if you're not to bad I am going to tell you anyway I am a girl who is 16 I lived in New York but now I live in LA, I am average height around 5'6 5'7 with long blonde hair that reaches to a bit above my butt, I am pretty tanned but it takes time and effort to be tanned, yeah I guess that's pretty much it for now. ✌🏼️

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2016 ⏰

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