Light vs Dark

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OML!!! Last friday I went to the junior high dance the school let us have! It was amazing! @flutterdash5121  went as well. A human asked me to dance with him. I wanted to tbh, but because I'm a shy potato I ended up saying I didn't know how to dance. Anyways, here is another poem I found. Next poem will be one made by me!! Any requests????

The never ending battle between light and dark,
never lost never won,
sides change,

people die and people are born,but still life goes on

For death may be,
and dark may seem to gain power,
still life and light goes on
for even in the darkest of places light can be found
in one's heart and one's soul.

It is simply a case of finding balance
forever yin and yang
your choices determine your fate
just as all change the word
no matter how small a life

Things are altered
but still life goes on
somewhere, somehow
life will always be
for death is a passing from one life to a next

Sad but uplifting
in the end souls drift to the skies
sparkling points above
eternally dancing in the heavens 

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