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Aries- Intense Emotions

Ex: acute, strong, or vehement, as sensations, feelings, or emotions: intense anger. 3. of an extreme kind; very great, as in strength, keenness, severity.

Taurus- Enduring Emotions

Ex: lasting; permanent: patient; long-suffering.

Gemini- Sparkling Emotions

Ex: to shine or glisten with little gleams of light, as a brilliant gem; glitter; coruscate

Cancer- Deep Emotions

Ex: a deep feeling or emotion is very strong

Leo- Vibrant emotions

Ex: Vigorous, lively, and vital

Virgo- Composed Emotion

Ex: describes someone who is calm and shows no nervousness or agitation/your composed face doesn't give away your feelings. If you're composed, that means you're free of emotion or nervousness — or at least you look that way

Libra- Volatile Emotions

Ex:When someone is emotionally "volatile" it generally means that they go Zero to a hundred REAL quick/ Emotional volatility is characterized by being calm one second and becoming enraged or overly sad the next

Scorpio- Overwhelming Emotions

Ex: Overwhelming emotions can be positive or negative, and they can occur for a wide variety of reasons.

Sagittarius- Vivid Emotions

Ex:Perceived as bright and distinct

Capricorn- Guarded Emotion

Ex:You keep a tight reign on expressing your feelings, thoughts, dreams, or in any way exposing the real you.

Aquarius- unpredictable Emotions

Ex:Difficult to foretell or foresee

Pisces- Extreme Emotions

Ex: Can't find an example for you sorry.....ya im sorry guys but you can look it up because everything on my school computer is blocked gonna have to search it yourselves and there are some results for your search you DO NOT want to read

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