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So if you want to be included in the story hit me up.
April 1st 2016
I walked up to my mailbox and I saw the letter it could be a great thing or it could be the end of my future career.
1120 Riverbrook Ln.
Rosewood High School
I swear if this is a April Fools joke I'm so done, now that I'm thinking about it Cooper is the kind of person to spend a lot of time to create a fake card saying I wasn't accepted. Lol. Either way I took the letter inside. I head up to my room I vault onto my bed. I slowly open the gold and I see a yellow-white paper almost a gold.
Rosewood High School
Welcome Letter
Thank  you for applying Jaden, we reviews your application and we are accepting you into our school of talented children.
Blah Blah Blah Blah
Blah Blah Blah Blah
-Principal Wells
Yes! I made it in! This highschool is in the top 10% in America, and it's not to far from where my parents live, but it is a boarding school so I'll have to deal without them. I'm so excited, but I will miss some of the friends I have here. I would be entering for my sophomore  year. This is going to be awesome as long as I finish school here with my A's which shouldn't be to big a deal because there isn't a lot of school left!

Little did I know then that my world would be flipped upside down at Rosewood High.
The school is an arts school primarily, so like drawing, photography, writing

Uhh characters you don't know
Taylor = Bitch girl
Chloe = Bitch Girl
Stephanie = White Girl
Tiffany = White Girl
Zac = White Boy
Daniel = Jock football team
Nigel = Rich Preppy Kid
Tyler = jock/asshole
Warren = science nerd
Who knows how important any of these people will actully be but in case I use them there is their quick description
I'll also have my friends in here so if you don't know who they are then ._. Either way thanks for reading the end.
^-^ Chapter one is on its way
DUDUDUDU I might use correct grammar the world may never know.

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