Chapter 20

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Last chapter sucked but here's a new one, hope you all like it.


Writers POV

Shay and Sasha eat some breakfast in the kitchen, it was a silent but a comfortable silent. When Shay finished she smiles at the blonde, "Why are you looking at me like that?" Sasha asked. "Because you're beautiful" Shay couldn't believe that she's really with her right now. Even for losing her memory and shit she feels warm inside when she's in the same room as the blonde. Last night was a step for them moving forward, both of them felt that they needed each other, Shay hasn't forgot about the dream she had. The brunette doesn't know if it was telling her something. She's been thinking about it since she woke up in Sasha's arms but none of them have mentioned it.

Sasha did the dishes while Shay were cleaning the kitchen table. "Shay, what do you want do today?" she asks after she finished the dishes. Shay turns to face her and thinks for awhile.. "Hmm, I don't know. I mean I want to try to remember more things but I don't know if I want to" She answers not looking at the blonde. Sasha looks at her concerned "Is it because of the dream last night or because you're afraid to remember?"

"Both" The brunette whispers and the next thing she feels is Sasha arms around her, giving her a big hug. "Take one step at a time, I will be here 24/7" Sasha whispers in her neck, and it made Shay shiver all over her body. She doesn't know how this beautiful women make her feel. Sasha pulls away and gave her a kiss on the cheek and the walks to the living room to clean up a bit. Shay on the other hand walks upstairs to take a shower and she took of her clothes she saw the scar on her body. She could feel her eyes tear up a bit, she had everything she wanted and some brunette took that away from her. Well, she doesn't really know if it is a brunette like in her dream but it feels like she knew who shot her but still doesn't. Shay stepped in the shower and started thinking who this person might be, in the mean time Sasha was still cleaning the living room because it looks like shit. Suddenly she hears a knock on the door and when she opened it she saw her ex fiancè standing there. "Hudson, what are you doing here?" "we need to talk" Sasha crossing her arms and looks at him with a annoying look "About what?"


"What about me?" Shay asks while she walks down the stairs. "I-I need to confess something and I can't live it because it's all my fault"

Sasha and Shay are both confused right now

"What do you mean your fault? you haven't done anything?" Sasha says and Shay agrees with her. "Just come inside"

They were in hall waiting for Hudson to talk "Can we go to the living room? Because both of you need to sit down when you hear what I got to say"

All three walks to the living room while the girls sat next to each other on the couch and Hudson on the opposite side. "I'm going to be complete honest with both of you, I wasn't happy when Sasha left me for you Shay. I wanted to get Sasha back and I needed a plan to finish the job so I tried some things and it didn't work, but then someone came to me to help me because that person is in love with you Sasha"

"Wait what?! hold up! You tried to get me back I get that part but who is this person?"

"The person wanted revenge on Shay because shim thinks that you (pointing at Shay) where in the way. I didn't know that shim was going to hurt you"

Shay mouth dropped, she couldn't really breath. Sasha tries to calm her down "Shay, just breath okay, take a deep breath" She do what the blonde says and interwining their hands then they both look back at Hudson. "S-So h-her or h-him shot me?"


"Who is it Hudson?" Sasha asks with a firm voice, Hudson took a deep breath before he answers.

"It's Lucy"


They finally find out, but how will they process this? how much do they believe in Hudson? Leave all of your thoughts below, love you all.

- M

(sorry for my mistakes)

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