Chapter 13

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"Cassie, can you take it from the top?" asked Mr. Lane. I nodded, beginning to sing the 'Hills Are Alive' again as everybody else watched from backstage.

"Getting better," said Mr. Lane, "Alright everyone, see you tomorrow."

"Bye Mr. Lane," said Peter waving as Oscar followed him.

"Goodbye!" Oscar sung which made us all laugh because that was one of his lines in the play.

"Goodbye boys," said Mr. Lane as Mary Kate waved too and followed her brothers. People retreated from the auditorium slowly, leaving Clara, Abree, Clark, Mr. Lane, Leah, Ellen, and me.

"You really are getting better," said Ellen.

"Thanks," I said grinning at her. Leah, Clara, and Abree nodded, heading out of the backdoor with Ellen. I followed them too, and so did Clark.

" 'ya' doing?" I questioned awkwardly.

Clark smiled, "Pretty good considering last night."

"Yeah, about that," I said, glancing around, "It makes me uncomfortable."

Clark looked confused and disappointed, "Oh, I didn't know."

"Oh, don't worry, it's not your fault," I reassured him, "I just...need some time, you know, to think about stuff."

He nodded, "Yeah...but you do realize there is that scene in the play..."

"Oh yeah, yeah that...that will be fine," I said.

"Okay," he said awkwardly.

"Well...bye," I said turning around and slipping through the door quickly. I immediately ran, just ran as fast as I could. Heading for a place I had been meaning to go to for a while, the Hairdressers.

I had wanted a haircut for a while, and now it was finally the right time. Apparently, Elizabeth (one of the nuns in the play) cut hair and was very good at it and had agreed to cut mine if I paid her ten bucks.

"Hello," said Elizabeth with a smile as I walked into her hairdressing room. She was tall, had long dark brown hair, green eyes, and was wearing a blue summery dress along with an apron and grey sneakers. I gave her a small nod.

Elizabeth marched forward and then back, "'Brigitta.'"

I laughed, "Nice job." Everyone in the play had lately been having a lot of fun fooling around with lines and dancing scenes from the play. It was pretty funny and we were all starting to become close friends.

"Thanks," said Elizabeth, "Ready for your haircut?" I nodded, hopping into the chair as Elizabeth put a smock over me.

"I've been ready for a long time," I said. All through my haircut, Elizabeth and I talked which was a very good distraction from my thoughts on Cory and Clark.

My hair turned out looking a lot like Molly Ringwald's looked in 'Pretty in Pink' which I loved. I thanked Elizabeth, obviously very happy with the result, and walked home slowly.


"Hi Nana," I said spotting her watering the flowers in the flower boxes by the windows of the house.

"Hi Cassie...oh, I love your hair," she said.

I smiled, "Thanks, I love it too, Liz did it."

"It fits you so well," she said smiling back at me, "Would you like to help me with these flowers?"

"Sure," I replied, "I would love too."

"Oh, thank you so much," said Nana, "I usually have to deal with these flowers myself." I sighed. I was thinking about my troubles I had been having lately, it was just too much for me to handle. It reminded me of how Paul used to say and still does sometimes, 'Cassie can handle anything.' Well, I had appreciated it before that he said it and still did, but now, I wasn't sure if he was right. I mean, look what was going on right now.

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