new title opening

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if you were here to see an excited fangirl typing in all caps, i'm sorry to pour hot water on you because this is so far from that.


ahh, the much anticipated new title opening. while having it have a similar format to the opening sequence to the successful and well remembered opening of boy meets world, it sadly did not live up to expectations. so how could i deny the pleasure of listing down all the reasons why the new title opening for girl meets world is honestly shitty.

first of all, the entire intro was generally more maya centric than riley centric or even gmw cast centric. it seemed as if maya was the girl in girl meets world instead of riley?? cos if i didnt watch the show at all, that wld be my impression. it seemed as if riley was a side character while maya was the lead. i saw more of maya than i did of riley which is plain absurd but i mean it shouldn't be that hard to expect, its not like the writers / disney haven't done it before.

EXAMPLE : promotion for invisible sister vs adventures in babysitting

secondly,why was maya the one kissing topanga? who i may remind you all is RILEY's mother and not maya's. there was zero screentime of riley interacting with her parents, cory and topanga while maya had one. i'm 100% sure that they would hv filmed a clip with rowan and ben and danielle but i guess it was not suitable for the daughter to interact with her parents so they threw in her bff instead.

thirdly, why was amir not included in the making of the new opening? he was confirmed to be part of the main cast and it is definitely weird to see him absent. he is the sole representation of the blacks on the show which makes me wonder if his absence was really unintentional

plus, gmw was meant to be an inclusive show for anyone to watch, so why is it such that there is only one poc shown in the opening title, but even she as the main character doesnt get more screentime than her white female friend who is a side character.

fourthly, WHAT IS THE BASIS OF HAVING TWO KISSES ON CHEEKS?? to prove the the riley-lucas-maya triangle is not a triangle?? OR OR to add in another triangle of farkle-maya-lucas and say its not a triangle. hOnestly, how could anyone fail geometry that badly??

lastly, the fandom is being crazy and delusional af rn, coming up with all sorts of theories on their ships and all sorts nonsense which genuinely irks me so much. it was like mj purposely made so that there would be more and more drama to the fandom cos i mean there isnt enough drama already is there. like the foreshadowing of any other triangle is such a good idea.

in their defence, while there were some cute moments, they could not justify the horrible mistakes and problems created. the dancing or pouring of water could not make up. even peyton and corey's football scene which was very funny and adorable + my fave scene of the entire opening cannot make up for all the wrongs

ADDITIONALLY. i'm reminded that everytime i watch an ep of gmw, i hv to watch this crappy excuse of an opening sequence. no zay. less riley and more maya. but i mean isnt that the direction mj wants to go forth with.

++ what made me upset about the intro was not what the characters did but the editing of it, which made it come across as another generic "white girl" tv shows as it lacked the two poc characters appearances and screentime

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