Chapter 1 - "Daredevil Saved Us"

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    Leaping of the edge, ever so heroic, I latch a strand of webbing, reaching the peak of my momentum as I release the web and launch myself into the air. But the "tiny bell" in my head..or spider-sense alert me of Bridgehampton National Bank-- well you guessed it! Being robbed. The sound of the alarm ringing becomes more and more clear as I dive-bomb down to scene. As my feet hit the asphalt, I return to the air, spiraling my body trying to dodge the bullets. Hot, rounds of lead whir past me in a bullet-time effect, which is in fact; my mind. In real-time, they think of me as some mutant in stylish new duds--


I'm no Quicksilver.

I overwhelm the assailants the more I advance to them, "Play-ball!(Baseball reference :D)" I yell, firing web projectiles at the a few thugs, landing on the one closest to me. From afar, well, a lamp-post across the street, the sound of my canon's shutter is all but silent as it captures the action at a speed of 16 frames a second, not to miss any of the good stuff of course. I finish off all but one, who is quite terrified, frozen in place. I walk towards the criminal in a slow manner, taking his assault rifle, snapping it in half. The man's eyes widen but then squint in question as I ask for his wallet. Pulling out the man's driver's license, I toss the wallet at the thug. "Here ya go... Herman Saltz..? Skulls? Ah! Herman Schultz(Props if you get that reference.)!" 

"Better remember my name, bug...." He said in a light southern accent. "Now shouldn't you be in school, learnin' something, boy?"

     School.... crap!  

   "I'm not your 'boy'." I say with a tough, Batman-ish The Dark Knight Returns tone, trying to act as if I totally did not forget that tests were today. I leap into the air, leaving him and his friends to the cops, who finally arrives. A little card drops from my hand as I swing away, turning back around and swooping low, web yanking my camera to my hand. Cops immediately emerge from their cruisers, not to arrest just yet, but to get a glimpse of me. "What the hell is that, Jodie?" One of the officers turns his head to respond, then nodding in disappointment at the subdued thugs. "Lord knows what..."  

     The small crowd of hostages exited the bank, cheering me as I swung on for the bit of action they saw from inside the bank.

"I think Daredevil saved us.." One said, tilting her head.

"No..." One said, picking up the little card, ignoring the officer's attempts to stop him,

"Stop, now! That's evidence!!" 

Reading the card then looking at me from afar, me barely being seen swinging to Midtown High.

"It wasn't Daredevil... It was Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man!"

"Yeah! And I'm Wolverine!" The cop spat, snatching the card, eye widening as he read it himself.


The chapter is short because I wanted this to be the little intro, and chapter two will continue from here. But, now, you should most likely know that I am rewriting the short progress I made with this story! Enjoy! 

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