chapter two: part two: ( old haunted house)

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*** in front of the basement door***

*** the continue of part one***

Ok I can do this I said to myself, I been standing here 30 minutes ago and still I can't decision if I go open the door and say those words or I'm going to leave it behind instead while I was in a deep thought I didn't notice his whispers telling me to go open the door and let him be free, oh well I have a choice I said to myself  so I decide to open it when I about to reach the door knob there's some force push me to the wall away from the door of the basement and when I look up I see someone standing or should I say there's a guy standing a few meters away from me and when I look at his eyes its scares me the color of his eyes are dark red and that's all I see about him because of my dizziness and blurriness of my eye sight and that is last thing I remember before I black out

***end of the old haunted house***

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2016 ⏰

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