Chapter 4: My love...

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He came to her bed side every 4 hours. Telling her stories of his life. Jane would laugh he smiled his nurse came in saying there he. Is". Jinx stood up saying "yes". Two huge men walked in wearing all black suits with black shades. The next largest man Said "Tripp Hunter come with us now". Jane sat up asking "who is Tripp Hunter? Jinx said "I'm Tripp Hunter I'll be back". They cuffed him. Jane started to take out the IV and the pulse reader. she started to unplug everything she got up saying "no no you can't leave me". Jinx said it's ok I will be gone for a little while, Jane promise me something". She said what do you want me to promise. He started to talk loudly as he got farther down the hall. "I want you to take over the bakery I need you to, stay, sain, do you understand me Jane"? Jane nodded answering ok stay sain got it I promise Jinx only if you'll write to me". He smiled as he held back his tears as he choke up I-I will everyday". She stood right there when he was out of sight she ran back into the room. Looked out the window waiting and watching him get into the car. The first thing she thought was Don't go please be a joke please be one of my halusinations. I need him how am I going to stay sain with out him. Her head started to spin her head was filled with worries thoughts that made her stomach hurt. Jane didn't talk to no one when the doctors came in started introducing theirselves the male said "so what's your name sweet heart". Jane turned over. Tears flowed down her cheeks the nurse whispered "she Isn't talking cause her boyfriend just went to jail about 3 months ago". He replied she haven't spoken in 3 months"? She answered "nope". Jane layed there trying not think about killing everyone standing around her. They finally found Jane. The nurse said she's right here Jane climbed out the 4th floor window. They yelled get her, Jane ran as fast as she could. Jane made it back home their home was being fixed while they was gone she closed the door locked it and ran up stairs in Jinx room as she crawled under his bed. She was shaking and breathing heavily her thoughts started to run non stop. Jane started to hear and see things that wasn't real. She closed her eyes so tight while she put her hands over her ears. Jane never knew she could feel this much alone. The next day Jane came from under the bed she cleaned up the down stairs. Turned the sign over from saying closed to saying opened. She put out fresh baked goods. She put the apron on sighed as she said "ok I got this". Customers poured In asking for so many things. Jane had everything under control she got everyone's orders right business was going great. She was alone all she gave the workers a day off. Two men came in the one on the left wore a green polo shirt with khaki pants. His hair is black as it's smoothed back filled with jell. The other man wore khaki pants but with a white shirt. His hair is blonde it's partened in the middle. The man in the green shirt said ma'ma. Are you Jane. Jane looked up saying nope my name is Daisy sir can I interest you an some samples". The men looked at each other as they answered sure". The one in the green said no nuts I'm allergic.". Jane said of course, everything here has no nuts safety hazert besides everybody's allergic these days . How about some sweet and salty caramel for you sir in the green"? He smiled saying thank you". Then Jane said ok and you, look like you'll like some chocolate some Swiss chocolate I just got it yesterday you'll love it". She gave him a piece continuing what do you guys think". They smiled saying I love it. Jane said really thanks if you want more it's on the house tell your friends about us". The man in the white said " what do you mean us. Jane said oh me and a friend owns this place. He's away right now". He answered I'd like some more Swiss chocolate". Jane gave him some more. The two men left without saying a word. During the week Jane was fine. When weekends came, Jane's friends in her head would talk. Because the store was closed on weekends. They wouldn't try and convince her to hurt herself and others. They wouldn't let her sleep Jane never slept on the weekends. All she did was bake cakes,cupcakes,muffins,breads,and she would order. Gourmet cheeses and chocolates. She even ordered business cards more packaging and bags. She paid all the bills every weekend. When she would do so it kept her friends busy so they kept quiet. Jane kept everything to gather for months Jinx would call and write her everyday he was able to do so because of how much money Jane was making. She multiplied their profits with in the first month Jinx couldn't believe how much money she was making. Jinx called one day saying hey Jane". She giggled saying "hi when are you coming home"? He smiled saying "uh in a good while. How have you been i see your doing wonders in the bakery". Jane answered "I know right to be precise we have went up 94 percent with in 2 in a half months. I'm doing fine the only thing is I Don't sleep on the weekends other than that I'm great". He replied "What you mean you don't sleep on weekends, why is that"? Jane answered whispering "be-because the voices keep pestering me. She started to get very excited as she spoke, but I beat them Jinx I really did". Jinx was silent Jane continued jinxes aren't you proud of me I finally beat them I never could when I was younger. B-but now I did aren't you proud"? Jinx sighed I guess so are you proud that you beat them. She started to cry saying as she kept sniffling "y-your not proud your upset because I didn't do it your way right". Jinx started to say Jane what I am proud but...I don't think you shouldn't miss sleep that makes you even more agitated. Jane I gotta go my time is up bye". Jane answered "bye call me when you can". "Everyone who knew or met Jane. It was a bad storm gallons of water fell from the sky on to houses and the ground. Jane started to loose her mind all she could hear was. Drip drip drop plop drip drip drop plop. It drove her crazy. Jane started to scream from the top of her lungs. The voices kept chanting yes yes go on go toward the table grab that knife kill us kill is if your brave. Your not brave like us. You can't beat us your weak youslow your retarded you can't STOP US". Jane whispered I am stronger that every last one of you. She started to cry as she said. L-let me rest I-I'm so tired. The male voiced yelled "NO YOUR NOT YOU ARE WEAK. If your strong enough show us who's boss just like you showed your parents and brother. Jane grabbed the knife right before she stabbed herself. The house phone rung she picked up the phone saying "hello hello"? Jinx answered saying what's wrong Jane". She started to cry saying "Jinx they keep trying to make me kill myself Jinx help me I need you I can't do this alone I lied I'm doing awful with out you I can't tame them anymore". Jinx said ok Jane go get into my bed and go to sleep". She said "that's not going to help me at all". He said yes it does because the voices isn't aloud in my room with out asking so they can't come in". She smiled saying "really I didn't't know that". He said "yeah Jane I know it's hard but I need you to try harder he's people looking for you. Ok"? She smiled answering "I will try". Jinx smiled as he spoke telling her how he won't be home for another 2 years Jane couldn't believe it tears fell from her eyes her head started to hurt her mouth became extremely dry her throat started to close her heart started to race. Jane hands felt sweaty. She started to cry and scream she fell to her knees yelling NO NO NO NO Jinx I need you NOW! I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU. She was screaming so loud that everyone in prison who was near the phones could hear her. Jinx started to cry he said I know I know Jane but I did some very bad stuff I need to payfor my crimes. Can you just wait Jane I gotta do this for me. For us I gotta try and change my evil ways Jane. She continued Jinx your not evil nor wicked. Jinx I need you I believe you have change you did change Jinx you opened freak'in' bakery. It's booming be course of you. Jinx I can't live without you for another. 2 F@!&ing years". Jane could hear him crying through the phone she answered "Jinx are you ok"? He said Jane I can't live without you either I need you more than ever that's why I call you everyday that's why I write you everyday. I am doing this for you. He cried and cried allthe prisoners saw him crying. Those two men came back they realised that the baker was Jane they walked in saw her on the phone. The man with black her picked her up. Jane screamed "JINX HELP ME THEY HAVE ME HELP ME JINX"!! Jinx screamed telling let her go he kept slamming his hands down onto the table yelling Jane he heard her say DON'T LET THEM TAKE ME". He stood there he heard people walking still buying their bake goods he whispered why didn't know one help her. He sat on the floor crying, for 30 minutes he listened to the background sounds on the phone. When his time was up he crawled all the way back to his cell. He kept crying and crying trying to keep it undercontrol trying to stay strong. His cell mate came in 4 hours later. 2 weeks later Jinx was talking to his cell mate saying "Everyone who knew or sleet Jane thought she was strong enough to deal with anything. She seemed tough like she Don't need anyone. Only thing is, inside is just a scared little girl afraid of the world because she was locked outside of it her whole life. Jane never felt safe she never had anyone to depend on. No one to tell her they cared not even to say your doing good". Jinx cell mate said "how do you know this much about this girl if she's so closed up"? He smiled as he looked at the ground. "She don't have to say I know". His cell mate said how"? Jinx frowned saying I've witnessed it first hand. The guard yelled " phone time! A Tripp you gotta call". Jinx picked up the phone he Jane started to cry he said "what's wrong". "They got me Jinx they found me again". Jinx started to yell saying "where are you everyone stopped and looked at him. She kept saying "I don't know". He said "describe where your at". She said "uh I'm in a truck . I hear a tractor I see fields...Jinx said what do you smell. She said I can't smell nothing". Jinx said "ok, as he looked at a map. Jinx said ok I know where your headed. Don't worry I'll be out soon. The first thing I'm going to do is find you alright". She nodded saying "ok". Jane kept crying the whole ride there. They opened the the doors to the van. She was sitting in the corner crying the driver said "come on darling". He held out his hand Jane reached for his hand. As she stepped out Jane wiped her tears. The doctor said is she crying. She wasn't sent to a different institution that is for the criminally insain. Jane read the words that was on the front of the building. It read "Athens Lanatic Asylum" The male nurse signed for her he spoke to Jane wiping her tears. "This place isn't as bad as you think. You'll feel like your home within a week". Jane said the first thing to anyone in months. Sents Jinx got arrested. She cried out " I will never feel at home b-because my home i-is with, Jinx... He stopped walking saying oh I'm so sorry child everything will be ok". Jane continue to speak "stop saying that there is no such thing as ok or being alright. Life doesn't get better it gets worst. In this case my life never will get better so don't talk to me about life turning up". He frowned saying "ok I get it you had a hard life. Your not the only one with a rough life. My mom killed my dad infront of me when I was 4. Then 8 years later my mom killed herself. Then my older brother killed his girlfriend infront of me. With a chainsaw, all I'm saying is Don't let your family drama determand your life. Pick your own path. It your life Don't copy their mistakes. Darling this is your room a female nurse will do your evaluation in a minute". Jane looked at the window she touched it with her finger tips. She reached for the chair. Her room mate came in she watched Jane grab the chair. She lifted it above her head smashed the metal chair on the window over and over until it cracked. The chair seemed to still be intact it wasn't even weakend. Jane yanked the front leg off it. She stabbed the window non stop until the crack got bigger. Doctors and nurses came Jane grabbed the rest of the chair smashed them in the head with the chair. Jane digged her nails into his eyes sockets blood poured down his face. The nurse screamed and hollered. As he fell to his knees Jane yanked her nails out of his eye socket. With his eye balls on her nails She took them off. Turning around swiftly grabbed the doctor by his head and smashed it over and over on the bullet proof glass. Jane smashed his head so hard on the bullet proof glass so hard that it shattered all over the floor. The other patience told by time they came in Jane was already climbing out the window. Jane started to run as fast as she could but that didn't mean anything. They caught up with her it took them10 hours just to get her to stop screaming. After the drugs wore off Jane tried to get up then medicine wasn't working. The next day they gave her shock therapy. Jane was strapped to a chair as they sent 120 Watts of electricity to her brain. Every day at 10 am then at 4 pm before dinner. 3 years later Jane sat in a wheelchair she couldn't move cause of the shock therapy. She sat in the visitor room watching TV she sat there never talking her muscles that controlled her body was too weak. From shock therapy. Jane was always crying everyday all day. Dr.Davis said you have a visitor Jane didn't move. Jinx walked right behind her. He saw her just sitting there her bright red hair was filthy you could see the dirt. He whispered in her ear " I told you I'd come for you my love". Jane couldn't move Dr Davis noticed that Jane eyes slightly widen. Tears rolled down her face faster each time. Jinx said touching her hair. "Jane say something I thought you'd be happy, to see me...He got down on his knees infront of her touching her face. "Jane looked down at him he started to talk louder "Jane please speak to me. I know your weak but I need to know that your still here. She started to move her lips no sound came out. Jinx kept crying he kissed her on right hand then her left hand saying oh Jane come on try to say something. I need to know your alive. She lifted her head up asking confused "I-I'm your love"? He smiled as he whispered "yes you are you always was as soon as I played my eyes on. As soon as I saw you I said I have to make her mind, now your are mine". Jane started to cry as she forced herself to say "Take me to our home Jinx". He looked her in her eyes. "Did you say our home"? She nodded Jinx kissed her on her lips just a peck. Jane struggled to lifted her arms up she forced her arms around his neck pulling him closer. whispering in his ear "take me home please don't leave me here another day". Jinx felt his heart stop beating for 2 seconds. His heart started to hurt is treat started to close as he replied letting her go. Uh you c-can't leave for another 5 years". Jane gripped the back of his shirt as she cried saying what why you can't be serious, d-don't leave me here for another day. Jinx I can't take it. The voices in side my head are fighting they keep trying to make me kill myself at night they start choking me. You can't leave me ever". Jinx stood up looked around he grabbed her hand helped Jane to her feet. He said quietly in her ear. On 3, one,two three go". He ran pulling Jane they ran out the building he opened the door to the back seat of his car. Jane climbed in. Jinx ran to the driver seat. The doctors ran after them he yelled close the door". As they drove off Jane could hear the voices starting to be silent as they started total again she said hush and they were quiet then she whispered "I win". Jinx heard her he smiled he drove her home at that mo.went everything was alright everything was safe Jane felt safe Jinx felt safe. He smiled saying "Jane, she looked at him smiling he continued These last few years have been hell I have a proposition for you. Do you want. To go straight home or go to the beach for a few months"? She smiled saying yes yes of course". He smiled as he did a U turn.

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