Cooking Lessons

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Marcus stood in the kitchen of his home in Devon, staring at Ben like he had just grown a second head. Ben was shrugging his shoulders as Marcus argued with him.

"I think this is the dumbest idea you have ever had, Benji!" Marcus barked. "You know damn well I don't know how to cook!"

"That's the whole point Marky," Ben said, rubbing his eyes. He was tired and was ready to go home and get some rest. The tour was over, and they were all ready for a break. The frustrations of being on the road for so long had been taking its toll on the entire band and crew, and several of the crewmembers had said something to Benji about Marcus becoming a bit too much to handle at times. Wanting to head off any problems, Ben had called Ted, who came up with the ludicrous idea that now had Marcus fuming.

"I still think this is the stupidest, most off the fucking wall idea you have ever had and you've had some good ones Benji," Marcus said, leaning against the counter and wagging his finger at his best mate.

"Marcus, just try it. Ted said this is a really good exercise in patience, which we all know you could use a little bit more of. Besides, look at the up side of this. You get to learn how to cook, and you get lessons from one of the hottest women around." Benji watched as Marcus raised his eyebrows and grinned. "You haven't seen her yet?"

"Nope," Marcus answered. "Who is she?"

"Well her name is Alexandra. She is a friend of Izzy's and before you laugh, I've already met her. She's nothing like Izzy! This one might actually be able to tolerate your grouchiness for more than five minutes." Ben chuckled as the doorbell rang. "That must be her!"

Marcus didn't budge. He stood leaning against the counter, his arms folded across his broad chest and glared at Ben. He still couldn't believe he had agreed to this. Finally pushing himself away from the counter, he grumbled all the way to the front door. Flinging it open, he decided he would give whoever this girl was fair warning that he was not happy with this little "plan."

"Okay let me tell you whoever you are...Woah!" Marcus's jaw hit the floor as he took in the site of the woman standing in front of him. She was about his height, dark brown hair and striking blue eyes. Her hair was pulled up in a messy ponytail and the shirt she wore did nothing to hide her ample chest. Her jeans fit snugly, showing off every curve she had. Alexandra knew he was checking her out, and laughed.

"When you get done ogling me, we can get started," she said, smiling coyly as she walked past Marcus, patting his cheek as she walked into the house. Ben appeared from the kitchen and a huge grin spread across his face when he saw she had arrived.

"Hey Al," Ben said, pulling her into a hug. "It's been forever since I've seen you."

"Yeah, I know but I had to get away from my friends. You know what it's like to have insane friends!" Alexandra laughed, motioning over her shoulder to Marcus. He didn't notice the comment; he was too busy checking out her ass.

"All too well!" Ben replied with a chuckle. "Well, I am going to leave you two alone now." He stopped as he passed by Marcus and poked him in the shoulder. "Behave yourself Marky."

"Always," Marcus smirked and led Alexandra into the kitchen. She was already digging through the cabinets, dragging out pots, pans, mixing bowls and whatever she could get her hands on. She turned to Marcus, who was leaning on the counter behind her, leering suggestively.

"Do you have a mixer?" she asked, placing her hands on her hips.

"A what?" Marcus asked, a confused look on his face.

"You know "a mixer"? Got the little things on the end you mix the cake batter with it?" Alexandra huffed. She couldn't believe that one person could be that inept in the kitchen. She found herself wondering if his skills were better in other areas of the house, and wasn't paying any attention to Marcus dangling the small appliance in front of her.

"Yoo-hoo! You mean one of these?" he asked, chuckling as her cheeks flushed from embarrassment. She couldn't believe he had caught her staring and she made a mental note to try to not do that anymore. She quickly snatched the mixer from his hand and set in on the counter behind her. "All you needed to say was the thing used to mix cake batter, and I would have gotten it."

"Got any eggs?" she asked, leaning over to inspect the contents of the fridge. Surprisingly it wasn't full of booze and beer, but a wide variety of leftovers from previous meals, which Alexandra assumed came from either his mother or Ben. She finally located the eggs, and removed them from the refrigerator and set them on the counter. Reaching around Marcus, she retrieved the small bag she had brought in with her and removed the small spice containers it held. Marcus watched her bustle around his kitchen with an amused look on his face. Alexandra finally turned to him and clasped her hands in front of her.

"You ready?" she asked. Marcus could only nod his head and laugh in response as Alexandra handed him an egg.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" Marcus asked, wrinkling his nose.

"Smash it on the counter then scoop it into the bowl there," Alexandra snickered, and then grabbed his arm as he actually started to follow her instruction. "Quit being so literal, would you? We have to separate the white from the yolk."

"Okay, so how do you do that?" Marcus asked as Alexandra handed him a small bowl with holes. He examined it closely, almost like it was an ancient relic. "Okay, so I guess I'm an idiot. How do you use this thing?" Alexandra grabbed it from his hand and nested it in the glass bowl she set on the counter. She took an egg from the carton, cracked it on the counter and showed him how to separate the yolk from the white.

"Hey! That's neat!" Marcus said as Alexandra shook her head. She pushed the carton of eggs towards him, along with a measuring cup, then began sifting together flour and powdered sugar.

"So, just what are we making here anyway?" Marcus asked as he cracked the last egg.

"Angel food cake." She pushed the dry ingredients to the side and took the bowl of egg whites from Marcus. "It's not that hard to do, but you have to be patient with one of these. They can't be rushed." She measured out the correct amount of sugar for the mixture and dumped it in the bowl with the egg whites. Plugging in the mixer, she handed it to Marcus.

"Wouldn't it be easier to just buy one?" he asked as Alexandra reached over and turned on the mixer. Standing behind Marcus, she took a deep breath as the scent of his cologne reached her nose. He smelled so good, Alexandra nearly forgot what she was doing. Her eyes wandered down his body. She took in the messy state of his dark hair, his broad shoulders and muscled back, and as her eyes traveled farther south she felt the blush rising in her cheeks as she admired his backside. I wonder what he would look like without those clothes, she wondered to herself. Shaking herself out of her brief daydream, she took his hand in hers as she showed him what to do.

"This isn't so hard," Marcus commented, turning his head and gazing into her eyes. She truly was a gorgeous woman, and he made a mental note to ask her out after this night was over with. Turning his attention back to the bowl and away from the sudden tightness in his jeans he asked, "So what exactly are we doing here?"

"Well, we have to beat these until they are firm," Alexandra answered, completely unaware of the irony of that statement. It was one Marcus couldn't pass up on and he began to giggle.

"What's so funny Marcus?" she asked, resting her chin on his shoulder.

"What? Oh, nothing," Marcus snickered. Alexandra finally caught on to what he was talking about. Summoning her courage, she let her free hand trail down and rest on his crotch, giving him a gentle squeeze.

"Nope. Not quite there yet," she said slyly. The sudden contact of her hand caused Marcus to jerk the mixer up, splattering them both with cake batter. Turning off the mixer, he set it on the counter and turned to Alexandra, who had batter running down her cheek and cleavage.

"Oops," Marcus chuckled as she started to wipe her cheek. "No. Here, let me get it." Marcus cupped her face in his hands and licked the batter from her jaw and cheek, leaving a streak of warmth behind as his tongue trailed along her delicate skin. Alexandra felt the heat between her legs as his tongue ran across her cheek and down her neck, and she let out a small sigh of arousal as his teeth grazed the sensitive spot where her slender neck met her shoulder. She threw her head back as Marcus reached down and pulled her shirt open some and ducked his head between her breasts, licking the remainder of the batter from her body. They were both breathing heavily when they finally pulled apart. Alexandra regained her boldness and placed her hand on his fly, feeling his hardness under her hand.

"Oh yeah. Now we're ready," she sighed as her hand rubbed him up and down. She watched in fascination as his eyes rolled back and finally closed; his head falling forward and his chin resting on his broad chest.

"You bet we are," Marcus replied with a devilish grin. "It'd be a shame to let that go to waste, don't you think?" he asked as he stalked towards Alexandra, who was backing herself into the corner. Realizing she had nowhere to go, she tried to duck past Marcus, who reached out and grabbed the waistband of her jeans.

"Oh, no you don't," he said, spinning her around and pinning her to the counter with his hips, his broad strong hands gripping the edge of the cool surface as he stared into her eyes. He leaned towards her and again Alexandra felt the blush rising in her cheeks. "We got cooking to do, love," he whispered in her ear, sending chills down her spine.

"What are you going to do?" Alexandra asked quietly. She was sure he could hear her heart pounding in her chest, the sheer anticipation of his next move putting her on edge.

"Well, since you can pretty well bet that this cake will never get done, I was thinking I might have a light snack instead," Marcus replied as he placed a kiss on her neck below her ear, his tongue briefly running along the shell of her ear.

"Mmmm, okay. What do you want then?" Alexandra cooed as she felt his tongue lick around her earlobe before he nibbled gently on her soft skin.

"You," was all Marcus said before his lips crashed into hers. When Alexandra felt his tongue on her bottom lip, she groaned slightly, opening her mouth as they fought for dominance in the kiss. Marcus's hands reached around and cupped her ass, pulling her hips into his. Alexandra tangled her fingers into his hair, moaning softly as she felt the fire in her belly beginning to build. Finally Marcus pulled away, leaving Alexandra to feel empty.

"Take your clothes off," Marcus demanded as he turned and opened the refrigerator door. Alexandra could feel her body tremble in anticipation as her fingers fumbled with the buttons on her shirt. Finally releasing the last one, she dropped the shirt, unhooked her bra and threw it to the ground and undid her pants. Shoving them to the floor, she stood behind Marcus, who was bent over looking for something in the refrigerator. Alexandra reached a hand out and ran it down his spine, playfully smacking him on the ass.

"I'm ready," she said seductively as she leaned against the counter, clad in nothing but a bright red thong. Marcus never turned around, but instead reached to the back of the fridge and grabbed a bottle.

"Go sit that pretty little arse of yours on the table," he said as he closed the door and took his first look at Alexandra. He leered at her as she pranced over to the kitchen table, sliding one of the chairs out and sitting on the edge of the table. She did her best to try and hide her nervousness as she crossed her legs and smiled at Marcus, who was approaching with what appeared to be a bottle of chocolate syrup. Alexandra was wondering what he planned on doing with it, but judging by the look on his face she was going to find out. Sitting the bottle down on the table next to her, he cupped her face in his hands.

"You've made me hungry," he growled as he bent down and captured her lips with his. Laying her back on the table, he picked up the bottle and removed the cap, watching as Alexandra bit her lower lip in anticipation. She let out a hiss as Marcus trickled the cold sugary substance first on one breast then the other, leaving a trail in between and running down her belly. Alexandra closed her eyes as she felt Marcus's tongue trace a circle around her nipple. She opened her eyes and watched as Marcus lapped the chocolate off her chest, moaning slightly as he followed the trail down her belly. He placed his hand between her legs and smirked wickedly.

"Fuck, you're hot," he said, pushing her thong out of the way. "And wet," he added, trailing a finger down her warm middle. Alexandra arched her hips up to meet his touch, wanting more.

"Touch me Marcus please," she pleaded, her voice heavy with desire. Even the slightest touch from him ignited the fire in her belly even more.

"All in good time, darling." Marcus quickly rid her of the thong, and grabbed the bottle, letting the sticky liquid drizzling down her hips and between her legs. Marcus pulled the chair over and sat down, licking his lips as he eyed the beauty spread out before him.

"You look good enough to eat," he said as he ran his finger through the chocolate, winking at Alexandra as he placed his finger near her mouth. She licked the syrup off, her breath coming in short gasps as he teased her crevice with his other hand. Parting her with his fingers, he lowered his head and ran his tongue along her as Alexandra wove her fingers into his hair, pulling slightly as he lapped up the chocolate.

"Mmmmmmmm Marcus," Alexandra gushed as she felt him slip a finger inside her and his tongue teased the sensitive bundle of nerves between her thighs. "That feels good, baby."

Marcus lifted his head long enough to see Alexandra spread out before him, her eyes shut and her mouth open. She looked incredibly sexy as she lay before him; sticky, sweating and panting. Marcus started to push another finger into her, and watched as she cringed.

"Does that hurt, love?" he asked and she nodded. "I figured it would. That delicious little body of yours is awfully tight."

"That's...because...I'm" she panted as he continued to torment her with his fingers. Marcus felt the blood rush to his groin as the words left her mouth, but he quickly retreated for a minute as he looked at Alexandra with hesitation. Would she regret her first time being with someone she barely knew, on his kitchen table? Alexandra looked up, seeing the reluctance in his eyes because of her admission.

"It's okay Marcus. I want this," she said, sitting up and placing a kiss on his cheek. "If I didn't want you, I'd already be gone."

Her words were all Marcus needed as his mouth met hers in a fiery kiss. Scooping her up in his arms, he carried her out of the kitchen. As they approached the stairs, Alexandra smiled at the man who held her tightly in his grasp.

"Looks like we both get to do something today that we've never done. You almost made your first cake, and I am going to get my first fuck," she giggled as he kicked the door open to his bedroom. Sitting her down on the floor, she watched as he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it to the floor.

"Correction. This is called love making at its finest," he said unbuttoning his pants and shoving them to the floor, along with his boxers. "Fucking is what you do with someone you don't give a rat's ass about." Alexandra's eyes went wide as she took in the sight of him before her. He was huge. She always heard about how much the first time hurt, and judging by the size of him, she was about to die.

"Hey," Marcus whispered as he titled her chin up and their eyes met. "I can't promise this won't hurt, but if you want to stop, you just say so, okay?" Alexandra nodded as he pushed her back towards the bed. She landed with a gentle 'plop' in the middle of the black silk, enjoying the cool fabric on her hot skin. Marcus climbed on top of her, covering her sticky body with his, not caring that the chocolate syrup was going to make a mess of his bed. He placed kisses down her chest, first teasing one nipple then the other. He kissed his way back down her body and back up the insides of her thighs.

"My god, you taste so incredible," he breathed as his tongue once again met her center. Concentrating on her swollen nub, he slipped his finger back inside her, smiling to himself as she lifted her hips off the bed to meet his mouth. When he felt her walls begin to contract slightly around his finger, he pulled out and crawled back up to her, letting her taste her juices on his lips. Reaching down between them, he grabbed himself and rubbed against her warm middle, feeling her tense slightly.

"Sweetheart, you have relax or this is really going to hurt," he whispered as she loosened up slightly beneath him. He pushed into her slightly, his breath catching and his heart skipping a beat as he got the first feel of her around him. Entering her a little more, he felt Alexandra suck in a deep breath as the first wave of pain hit her.

"Shhhh, it's alright my love," Marcus cooed, kissing away the tears that were slipping down her cheeks. "Just a little more, okay? Are you ready?" he asked, feeling her loosen around him as her body adjusted to the new sensation. She nodded slowly, and Marcus pushed all the way into her this time. Alexandra shrieked, half from the pain and the other half from the sheer pleasure. Marcus laid there not moving, letting her accustom herself to him, placing gentle kisses along her cheek and down her neck. It took all he had not to slam into her, the tightness of her nearly enough to make him pass out. However, the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her and make her first time something miserable and regrettable.

"I'm okay," Alexandra finally said, wrapping her arms around his neck. Marcus quickly obliged and began to slowly and gently thrust into her, each stroke quickly bringing him closer to the edge. Knowing that this was Alexandra's first time, he knew it wouldn't be long before she came. Picking up the pace slightly, he could feel her walls beginning to clamp down on him and he let out a long, guttural moan.

"Are you gonna come for me?" Marcus asked. Hearing those words sent Alexandra into a world of complete bliss as a fiery orgasm tore through her body, making her tremble as she nodded, unable to find her voice except to scream his name. As her walls began to contract, Marcus knew he could no longer hold himself back. Propping himself up on his forearms, he gazed into Alexandra's lust-filled eyes. One more thrust and Marcus groaned loudly, filling her up.

"Fuck, baby you are incredible," he said hoarsely as he collapsed on top of her, his breathing finally starting to return to normal. When he rolled off her, she scooted up to his side, throwing her arm across his chest and laying her head on his shoulder.

"I hope you don't mind me sticking around for a while," she smiled. "I can't wait for more of that."

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