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I join my class in roll and claim my seat in the back next to Luke. Mrs Optal, our roll teacher, begins to talk.

"OK class, who's away," She looks around "Mark, Anne, Lucy. Who else?" She counts the class. "Darcy?"

"I'm here," Darcy raises his hand "Maria isn't,"

Mrs Optal scribbles down the absent students and hands the paper to Chloe, who quickly darts off to the office. She's Mrs Optal's Messenger Fairy. She can be so mean sometimes.  "Tomorrow is veggie day at the cafeteria, not Thursday. Sunday homework club has been canceled due to renovation in the main hall. Boys, riding on Thursday has not been canceled. The flood has dried up sufficiently due to Mr Gloweye and his amazing magic," Mrs Optal looks at me "You can thank him for us George," The bell rings an the class heads out. 

"What have we got?" Piggy ask's as he grabs his bag. I think for moment and Luke answers. "Mathematics." We head off to room five and quickly take our seats. I pull out my stuff and wait for our teacher, Miss Eyowa, to begin the lesson. The last of the girls sit down and we begin.

"OK class, today we are talking about finding the area of a square pyramid, now its quit easy. You find the are of the base, width times length," She scribbles notes on the board as she speaks "And times that by the height, and divide it all by three," She turns to face class "Maxwell, how do you think you find the area of a triangular prism?"

Maxwell looks from his book "Same process Miss,"

"Well done, but it is ever so slightly different."

Maxwell looks confused for a minute before answering. "You find the area of a triangle by base times height over two."

"Good. Now what about a cone...  Piggy," Miss Eyowa is one of the fun teacher's and takes on the nicknames of students. 

"Same thing, and the area of a circle is two-pi-r,"

"Well done," She wrote up a few more notes before turning back to face the class. "Do activities three through to seven." 

These took the rest of class, but I finished early and spent the rest of the time writing brief stories in the back of my book and helping Luke. The bell rings and we head out. I put my books my bag and follow the others to our table. I sit and begin to eat a packet of chips and watch as the fairies dart about, only half listening to the others talk. One of the fairies lands on the table next to me and hands me a small piece of paper. 

'Office. Unicorn. 3rd.' I quickly scribble down my response of yes ma'am and hand the paper back and watch as she joins the other fairies carrying messages.

"What was that about?" Luke questions as he leans towards me. I lay back on the table and groan. "Peter. Dunno what's he done," I sit back up. "All his spells are still on so he shouldn't be causing any trouble." The school requires so many spells on the unicorn's, some of which I'm not even sure why. They need a property, public, infertile, children's, riding, friendly, animal friendly, show horse. Most of the unicorns are trained and don't need them but the government requires all unicorns used for school transport to have them. I think for moment. I have Science in the third. I don't like science, especially since we are doing energy. Its so boring. It'd be close to the third time I've covered it so there must be some use for it. I resume the conversation a few minutes before the bell rings and we head of to history. I have to sit up the front away from Luke and Piggy, which is annoying. I'm surrounded by girls, but Mr Stein has made it that way on purpose so we don't talk as much, which doesn't work as well as he had hoped. 

I'm in between Daisy and Maria. Maria is annoying and I'm glad she's not here, she always torments me saying I like Daisy because we talk. I deny it, but it doesn't mean I don't. She is so nice and smart and is good to talk to. She has an interesting perspective on things. Luke reckons I should ask her out but I don't have the guts to. Well I tell him my parents wouldn't let me and that seems to work. But I'm getting older and it won't always work. I think of taking the cowards way out and texting her or sending a fairy with a message, but most girls reject that. I copy out the notes and talk to Daisy about unicorn spells and why I might need to go see the principle. Second break comes and we part our ways. Daisy goes and sits with the girls while I go and join Luke and Piggy at our table. I look at the mass of fairies and pixies taking messages about and wonder what messages there taking. Some are for teachers and some are between students as we're not allowed our phones out at school. I lean against a tree and take out a few of mums home made biscuits. I offer some to the others and they take one. 

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