A Weird Day

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Every kid always dreamt of becoming a hero, a fairy anything that you would dream about when you were still a child but what if it actually happened in real life? and a cute guy came up to you...What would you do?...

* Bell rings *
Proffesor: Ok kids please seat on your desk as I will check your attendance......
Students: Yes sir...
Macey: Yes Mr. Rogers!

As the proffesor checked everyones attendance he smiled as he was satisfied that everyone was present that day for he has an announcement to say.....

Proffesor: Wow! seems like everyone is here today! Since its a nice day and all I would like you all to meet someone. He is a transfer student who came from British his name is Bryce... Bryce you can come in now boy...

After the proffesor said his last sentence a tall, handsome guy came with a tatoo on his neck and caught mine and everyones eye. It was like everything stopped and everyone's eyes was on his watching him walk and smile as he look around. Bryce met Macey's eyes and smiled and wink at her.

(in her mind)
Macey: Oh my gosh!! did he just winked and smiled at me??!!! He did !!!! oh my gosh!!!! ...but..... why does he have this creepy glare on me all of a sudden ....it's like he wants something from me..... this is weird i need to look away or go to the .... WASHROOM!!! thats it!...

Macey raised her hand quickly and desperately as she had eye contact with her proffesor....

Proffesor: Yes Macey? is there something wrong?
Macey: Errmm..... I ... I need to use the washroom quickly and fast
Female student: Oh my gosh i'm guessing she has her thing right now hahahha!!
Male student: Lol thats so awkward hahahhaa!!! looks like someone is going get red spots on her butt hahahahha!!! better hurry up lady you wouldn't like that would you? hahahaha
Proffesor: Quiet down! .. Very well then you may go and come back as soon as you're done... Now go
Macey: Yes Mr. Rogers..... ( but i just finished my period -_-" damn this people )

Macey walked with her head down and passed by her classmates laughing at her as well as the new kid. When she was 2 steps closer to the door she felt a chill on her back and look and saw the new kid was looking at her with those glares Bryce said something to Macey that only she could hear and said....

Bryce ( new kid ): I know who you are.... and I want you to help me please awaken the powers within you...
Macey: What? wait hold on what do you mean powers? you've got to be kidding me I already have a bad day don't make it even worse by saying those dumb ass powers and awakening thingy
Proffesor: MACEY! Since when are you going to stand there and whisper at Bryce ?! go to the washroom or sit on your chair!
Macey: EEPPP!!! yes Mr. Rogers i'll go to the washroom now!
Students: HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! Serves her right!!!
Proffesor: Shut those mouth of yours! No respect!

Macey ran to the door and went to the washroom running and shut the door in the washroom and splashed water on her face...

Macey: Geezzz! He could have just said it! He didn't have to shout! But I still cant get over about Bryce and his glare....

Flashback~ " I know who you are"....

Macey: What did he mean that he knows me? I haven't even met him in my entire life so how come he knows me?....

* bell rings for first period *

Macey: Damn it!! I need to hurry up before they might think that I really did have my period or worse they might think I was pooping !!! Ahhh!! Faster Macey!!!

Macey went to her class and got shouted for being late and the laughters continued the whole morning meanwhile Bryce was starting to get popular with the ladies but he still and kept on looking at Macey making her have the chills on her back.
*bell for lunch time*

Taylor: May!! Hey I heard from your class that you got laughed at earlier and that they said you had your period hahahaha!!!

   This is my annoying yet my lovely friend Taylor I usually call her Pale if your asking why? long story but I love her for her bubbly personality

Macey: If I were you I would shut that red hot lips of yours or you''ll have to say goodbye to this world and you'll die from my own hands.
Taylor: o...okay~ hahahha gosh your so hot tempered right now May, so is it true ?
Macey: What ? that I have my period ? of course not! I should have shouted and kicked their ass! there pissing me off!!!
Taylor: OOHHH!! I see hahahaha but no thats not what I was about to ask
Macey: Then what is it a side from my freaking period gossip that has already spread around the campus?
Taylor: Is is true you guys have a transfer student? they say his hot and all
Macey: yeah, but his creeping me out he keeps on looking at me ... speak of the devil would you look at that its the transfer student already popular with the ladies.

Macey and Taylor stared at Bryce next to their table while eating their sandwhiches. Taylor started drooling and kept on day dreaming of Bryce that they would make out and all while Macey was just looking somewhere else so she wouldn't make eye contacts with Bryce. After a few classes the rumors about her lessen since a lot of people were talking about the new kid. After school Macey got picked up by her grandmother.

Taylor: Bye May see ya tomorrow! luv u as always bestie!
Macey: Same here Pale luv you too!. Man this is such a tiring day ugh!
* Macey got into her grandmothers car*

Grandmother: So how was school darling? was everything fine? did you have a fight or is everything cool?
Macey: It was fine grandma nothing happened today ( I wish that was true )
Grandmother: I see that's good to hear darling. Do you want to stop by the burger shop and buy some for our dinner?
Macey: That would be awesome grandma! your the best!

I have been living with my grandma ever since I was 7 after the car accident. My parents had an argument and my father wasn't looking at the road and eventually a big truck hit our car and sent it flying thats what my grandmother said. I didn't have any memories of it they said I was traumatized by the incident and that it was hard for them to ask questions because I would cry but im doing fine these days since I have my grandma to support me when I remember them.

Macey: Thanks  for the food grandma that burger was delicious. Im going to sleep now I'm tired already.
Grandma: ok....Night darling.

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