Anime Quote 54

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"I wan to belive memories, even sad and painful ones, should not be forgotten forver."

- Momiji Sohma

Fruits basket


OMG!!! I love Momiji and i think he deserved beter than what he was gotten. I dont know if what I'm going to say is a spoiler but for those who haven't seen this anime [SPOLER ALERT]: his mother is a fucked up cunt!!! (Excuse my language) she literaly got sick just because he turned into a cute bunny and NO! he is not a THING! he is ur fucking son and you just tossed him aside like nothing!! I know in real life learning something Iike that would be hard but that is your flesh anf blood and he literally didn't do anythng wrong!!! Its not his fault that he is the way he is... she should go fuck herself because she is a fucking poor excuse for a mother and should treat her child like their hers or they actaully mean something!!!!! Any way sorry for my small rant but things like this really make my blood boil and work me up and by the way.... HEYYYY!!! I'm BACK!!!!

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