What You Want

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Karisma POV

Karisma: Why are you at my door

??: Because i wanna see what going on

?? POV

That ain't the real reason i here, the truth is i always liked her. Just so beautiful she never notice me tho because i wasn't invaled with all that drama.I knew she would let me in, i mean i don't  blame her she don't even no my name.Ever sence that camp fire she acts all mean and bitter. But when she open the door she had on a sports bra and shorts. I tryed so hard not to bite my lip but who could resist.

Karisma: Aren't you one of the ones who wanted me too leave

??: No i really wanted you to stay

Karisma: Why

??: I just a forgiving person

Karisma: Yeah ok bye

Stoping the door with (his) Foot

Karisma: Move

??: No i'm being nice

Karisma: it will be nice if you move yo foot

??: Can i come in

Karisma: No

??: Ok

He moves his foot, and she shuts the door.

Karisma POV

Why was he here, if i rememer right he wanted me to go.But i didn't wanna see him or any of them.What was his name.. umm i don't know but i don't care just as long as he don't come back.

The Next Day

Yah'Lanea POV

  I wake up at about 9 or so and go down stairs for breakfast.Happy as ever because......well you know why.


Sierra: Why you so happy

Yah'Lanea: Oh nothing

Sierra:Tell Me

Yah'Lanea: I don't kiss and tell

Sierra: Oh really well you about to tell today

Yah'Lanea: Nothing to tell he jjust kissed me

Sierra:What kind


Sierra: Oh la la

Yah'Lanea: Haha shut up

Sierra:I just so happened to get my kiss too

Yah'Lanea: Ohh shoot

Sierra:No much but 1 kiss ..2...3

Yah'Lanea: What dang

Sierra: Haha

At that moment Yah'Lanea got a text

Ray:) Hey bestfriend

Yah'Lanea: Wassup :)

Ray:) You seem happy what happen

Yah'Lanea:) Umm nothing

Ray:) oh you can tell me anything

Yah'Lanea:)Me and Prince got our first kiss

Ray:) Ohh thats nice...I like this girl

Yah'Lanea: Oh i thought you would be mad

Ray:) No i still like you but trying to move on

Yah'Lanea:) Imma talk to you later i going to visit Prince

Ray:) Ight but you coming..

I put my phone on the charger and got dressed and went to Prince house


This could be the best relationship i ever been in no worrys or drama :)

Roc: Babe i'll be back

Sierra: Ok

I sit in Roc's room watching for him to get back his phone gets a text.

Alexis:I Love You Too

:0 i leave his phone on and walks down stairs

Roc: Hay where you going

I push the words out my mouth with my teary eyes Sierra: I got to go you have a text

Roc: Wait why were you on my phone

Sierra: I'm leaving

Roc: Stay

She trys to what out but he grabs her

Sierra: Let me go

Roc: No he said holding both her arms against the wall

Sierra: LET ME GO you lie bitch

Roc: What are you talking about

Sierra:Ask Alexis

Roc:He smirk picks her up and takes her upstairs then lays her on the bed.


Roc: Read the rest of the text

Sierra picks it up and read

Alexis:Hay baby cousin

Roc:Hay hows it going

Alexis: When you gonna come see me

Roc:We have to plan something out but right now my girls here so we can talk later Love you

Alexis:I Love You Too

Sierra:I'm sorry

Roc:Yeah don't go threw my phone and have some trust in me


Yah'Lanes POV

I knock on the door and no one answers so i walk in to Prince Boxing.He look angry

Yah'Lanea: Is everything ok

He looks at me and looks away and starts hitting the bag harder


He Keeps hitting harder and harder


he speeds up and starts going so fast he bust the bag

Yah'Lanea: Stop listen to me

Prince: get off me He pushed her into the wall

Yah'Lanea: Owh

Prince: I sorry (he reached to help her

Yah'Lanea: get away from me


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