Turn up

318 10 4

Chresanto POV

Man this club is turned up for real. There's some fine ass ladies here tonight. Every since I've been here I've had my eyes on this chick. She Fine ass hell.But her friend with her was ugly ass hell.Lol. May be I should go over there.

Me - Hey excuse me miss 

*The girl turns around *

I couldn't believe my eyes it was my ex.

Aaliyah - Hi Chresanto  

Me - Hey um u look beautiful  

Aaliyah - Thanks not bad your self. 

Me - Oh thanks...You wanna dance  

Aaliyah - Idk 

Me - Pretty Please  

Aaliyah- Alright

Paris Pov

Me- You want somehing to drink.

Vanessa- Naw im cool.

Me- Alright well ill be back.

Vanessa- Where ya going??

Me- Too get something to drink.

Vanessa- Alright.

So while i was walking to get something to drink this cury afro boy bumps into me.

Me - Damm watch were the fuck your going.

?? - Sorry ma.

Me- ( Paris look into his eyes) ..Its Okay

I cant belive that this was that sexy afro dude from the mall. He's finer close up.

??- So ma whats your name.

Me- Paris and you.

??- Jacob

Me- Nice to meet you.

Jacob- Nice to meet you to beautiful. So ya wanna dance.

Me- Sure.

* Pour it up by Rihanna comes on everyone immediately begins to twerk...even me *

As i was twerking on Jacob a fight broke out some stupid ass girl with some lime green skinny jeans on and a black tube shirt was fighting this big ass girl.She was getting her ass beat. NO LIE. As i was tryna see the fight this hood rat pushes me ( You know i dont take no mess from nobody) so i got to arguing with her the that when Jacob pulled me away from the situation.

Aaliyah Pov

As me and Roc were grinding on each other destiny stupid ass gets into a fight with this big ass bitch. Hell naw i wasn't gone help her ass even if she my friend. That girl is twice the size of me.

Roc- aren't u going to help her ?

Me- HELL NAW im not about to get my ass beat.

Roc - you a mess foreal.

* Man breaks up the fight*

Me- Destiny You alright

Destiny- Do it look like I'm alright

Me- Lets get you cleaned up

She had a busted lip i felt bad that i didn't help her.

Roc- where you going ?

Me- To the bathroom

Roc- well when you 2 done come to my vip section.

Me- Okay ( blushes)

* In the bathroom *

Me- What happened out there?

Destiny-That big bitch came to me saying i slept with her Bf she had me fucked up.

Me- What did i tell you Destiny keep your legs closed you NEVER listen

Destiny- I didn't have sex with him though we just made out, that's all

Me- ( gets paper towel and soaked it with water) Here

Destiny- Thanks and why didn't you help me when that fat bitch jumped on me

Me- That's your fight not mine and plus it was 1 on 1

Destiny- It didn't feel like it shit

Me- You ready to go back out there

Destiny - Yeah

Me- alright lets go

*Walks to rocs VIP *

Crystal Pov

Bella and I just got Done slow dancing with some random guys. To be honest they were so thirsty but any way we had to sit our asses down because I got tired. My feet killing me right now.

*Guy walk up to me*

Bella-Ray Ray from MB have been starring at you all night 

Me- he likes what he sees  

Bella- Yeah right. Here's such a player. 

Me-IKR he thinks every girl in the world wants him well this chica right here don't want em. 

Bella-Why you have to be like that 

ME-I'm just speaking the truth 

Bella-Girl ever since you caught Caleb cheating on you it's like you gave up on love...when ever a guy try to holla at you you just blow them off... I know your tired of being lonely. 

Me- I'm not lonely. 

Bella-Yes you are it shows in your face  

Me-Maybe your right  

Bella- I know in right ...OMG Ray Ray coming over. 

Me-What should I do? 

Bella-Be you.

Ray Ray-Hi gorgeous 

Me-um hi 

Ray Ray-Um I was thinking if you and your friend would like to join me in v.I.p section 


Bella-Yes we would love to join you. 

Ray-cool follow me

* Follows Him To vip *

As i walk up to the vip i notice my sister there flirtiing with Princeton from MB

Me- Wassup sis

Paris- Hey

Prodigy- You guys know each other.

Me- duh that's my sister

 Prodigy- Oh I thought Beyoncé had 1 daughter.

Me- Naw there's two of us

Destiny Pov

I'm so fucking embarrassed right now. I can't believe I just got my ass beat in front of a lot of people.  I can't believe Aaliyah didn't even help me. But I'm not even tripping. You win some and you lose some. Right now we just made it to the V.I.P section with MB. Aaliyah acting so fake right now she talking to this girl named Paris......I know what you guys thinking that maybe I'm jealous ....well I'm not....I'm not gone even lie I'm jealous a little bit.

Prodigy- Hey you guys wanna go to my crib for a after party


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2014 ⏰

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