Chapter 6

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Brian's POV

The breeze caused Brian to shiver. The leaves had begun to fall peacefully from the trees signalling the start of autumn and the air was getting considerably colder. Being drenched in cold water made Brian even colder and his sopping wet coat didn't help. The cut Abe had given him days ago had reopened under the pressure of the water and blood slowly flowed out, staining part of his cloak red.

"Did I have to ride with the soaking wet guy?" Renna grumbled behind Brian.

"Well, sorry, but it's not my fault hunters chased us over the waterfall." Brian replied.

"You could have just surrendered, and then maybe the hunters could get some sense into you." Renna snapped.

"And my friends would die," Brian snapped back, "sorry, not an option. Besides, I have more sense than them because I can actually see past my own perspective!" Brian sounded harsher then he meant to, but didn't apologize.

Renna grumbled quietly and Brian looked down to see Wolf jumping from rock to rock. Spider carefully scaled objects, leaving no evidence it was ever there.

"Are we almost there?" Renna asked in a demanding tone.

"Ugh!" Brian grumbled, "if I knew, I would tell you to get you to shut up!"

"Well, I'll just ask then." Renna looked down to call to wolf and Brian could see her hesitate to speak to the mystic. Something flashed in her eyes and she started yelling down to Wolf as loud as she could.

"Are we the-" Brian slapped his hand over her mouth and could see the smirk in her eyes. Once he removed his hand, she smiled innocently.

"What? I was only asking?" She claimed.

"Yeah, loud enough for a legion of hunters to hear us!" Brian hissed. She shrugged, but her smirk confirmed his belief.

"Try that again and I'll gag you!" Brian threatened. Renna rolled her eyes and remained silent for a couple minutes. Brian kept looking back at her to make sure she didn't try anything. Her keen eyes were searching the forest behind her.

Brian noticed a glint not too far off: armour. Great, hunters. Before he could do anything, Renna shouted at the top of her lungs! "Over here!"

Wolf and Spider looked up and Dragon looked back at the disturbance and Brian quickly signalled them to change course and hide. They did as he commanded as Brian ripped part of his cloak. He threw some shreds of it and Dragon pushed with his wings to send the shreds in the opposite direction to throw the Hunters off course. There was one piece that Brian didn't throw away and he turned to Renna.

"I warned you." He smirked, grabbing her by the back of her neck so she couldn't pull away. Quickly he pushed the strap against her mouth and fastened it securely behind her head. He looked at the makeshift gag and decided that it was sufficient.

Renna glared hatefully at him and Brian couldn't help but smirk a little bit in triumph. Dragon landed inside a cave and Wolf joined. Spider and Cohen removed any trail before joining in the hidden cave. The cave was much too small for a base, but proved a sufficient hiding spot when Dragon finally nodded at Wolf.

"They're gone." Wolf said. "they shouldn't be able to see us if we go now."

Brian nodded. "Fly low Dragon, we don't want them to see us in the air." Dragon nodded and everyone remounted.

Flying out of the cave, Brian stifled a cough. The air had become drastically colder and the stars were starting to peek out through the remaining light.

Finally Wolf led the others to a hidden cave.

"Not bad." Brian said when they entered. Unlike the last cave, this one didn't have a stream through it, meaning they would have to go somewhere else to get their water, but the cave was still large and secure and Brian found it comfortable.

"Good thing you had another cave." Brian thanked Wolf.

"Yeah, unfortunately it's not as warm as the other cave and hunting isn't as good here." Wolf frowned slightly but then cheered up a bit. "Hey, Renna didn't insult my voice!"

"Yeah, well, I gagged her!" Brian replied.

"Finally!" Wolf laughed before walking up to where Spider had tied Renna to a column, not only with webs but with chains as well. Renna glared at Wolf and he smirked in response.

"Okay, Wolf, stop gloating! The gag isn't staying on for long."

"Aw, darn it." Wolf grumbled.

Cohen walked up to Brian and passed him his coat. "Here, you might want a dryer coat."

"Thanks," Brian started taking it before glancing at Renna. Tied up as she was would make it difficult to stay warm throughout the night. "But give it to Renna. I'll be fine."

Cohen shrugged and laid the coat on Renna. "G'night!" Cohen called, setting up a hammock for himself and one for Abe.

"Good night." Brian replied as he lay on the ground, using only his cold coat as a mattress. He thought about the wound on his arm but knew he would need help binding it as he wouldn't be able to reach it with one of his hands. He shrugged it off, knowing it would heal soon enough and not wanting to inconvenience anyone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2016 ⏰

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