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Trey's POV 

Amoriana and i left the resteraunt , We were heading towards my car when everything went black ... 

Amoriana's POV 

" TREY " , As i yelled some guy ( most likley another one of trey's " problems " ) was punching trey . He pulled out a gun & was about to shot trey when he noticed me standing on the other side of the car. He looked at me , then looked at trey . He did this many times before running away. Trey was bleeding all over his face , i had to take him to the hospital but how would i explain what happened with out putting all his buisness out there . I decided i will just say he got jumped & i found him lieing in the resteraunt parking lot. When we reached the hospital trey was awake but said he didn't remember what happened after he opened the car door . We went inside , i handed him off to a doctor & left . 

The next morning 

Amoriana's POV 

I had just got off the phone with tori when trey called . He had just gotten out the hospital an hour or two before but he sounded mad asf . He started talking about how tori showed up to his house with the guy that beat him up last night talking about she knew it was all his fault her brother was dead. " you gon wish you was dead " IS what tori had said to him . I didnt really think tori was that crazy to come at trey like it was his fault her brother wanted to do business for him . As i was hanging up , my brother walked in to see if i was awake getting ready for school . He left i got in the shower . I walked over to my closet , I grabbed a blue and pink polo crop top with black jeans and my new black air force 1's . I finished getting dressed and walked into the bathroom where my phone was on the chargerr. I went to facebook to see what was going on with all my friends & i see a post that tori made talking  like she big , it was directed toward trey. So i decided to go to tori's & talk. i finished getting dressed , as i pulled up to tori's she was argueing with her ex again in the front yard & i soon realized he was the guy from last night ... Same outfit and everything . The first thing i did was get out the car and started spazzing on her ex/man ( what ever the fuck he is ) . Then out of no where a hand hit me in the back of the head. It was Tori . We started fighting and he had to seperate us. I started yelling at tori saying all kinds of stuff like " it wasn't trey's fault " " your brother knew what he was getting himself into" Etc. Trey pulls up & gets out the car and pulls a gun out on tori . " Trey calm down , it aint gotta be like this. " Of course he didnt care and pulled the trigger anyways but the bullet didn't hit nobody , he had fired a warning shot to let them know he wasnt playing ... 

Trey's POV 

As i was leaving toris house i heard Amoriana say she didnt fw tori no more cause our problem got way outta hand that tori was a " snake ass female " She couldnt associate with no more . I seen her get in her car & speed off the other direction . I pulled up to the trap house only to find out the police raided the place , Everything & everybody was gone. I called up my main boy Dre , He said he hadn't been there but he heard what happened from Mike & Koron. I told him to lay low for awhile till things get back to normal. I finally went to school . 

Amoriana's POV 

Trey walked up to me in the hallway like nun that happened this morning ever happened so i just forgot about it . I seen tori pass me in the hallway talking about how fake i was for switching up on her & only riding for trey . I let her words go right pass me cause it dont phase me . I aint worried about it till i get touched .

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