Blood on the Bathroom Floor

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Karkat's POV

I slowly pushed the blade deeper than I ever have before into my old cuts. Translucent red tears streamed down my face as I dragged the blade across my skin over and over again, letting drops of blood splash onto the bathroom floor. It stung more than ever and it sure as fuck hurt. A lot. I put my blade in my pocket and slowly opened the bathroom door to make sure Dave wasn't home. He wasn't, so I stepped out of the bathroom, still sobbing wet tears.

"FUCK!" I managed to yell between a sob.

I opened the closet to reveal a rope we had kept after the move, and a folded up chair we never used. I tied a noose in the rope around my neck and looked up at a hook in the ceiling that had been there ever since we moved in. Dave sure as fuck wouldn't be happy if I killed myself. I just wanted to see Kankri's face again. I really missed him and I didn't want to live my life without him.

"Shit." I wimpered

"What would Dave do?"

I nodded that thought out of my head as I unfolded the chair and stepped up onto it, tying the rope around the hook. I cut my arms one final time and dropped the blade. I finally tipped the chair over and felt myself losing air quickly. I heard Dave opening the front door and running up the stairs. Shit. He was getting close. WHY WON'T I DIE ALREADY?

Karkat's Great Depression (DaveKat Sadstuck)Where stories live. Discover now