"You've got a great ass"

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The next morning, I slowly fluttered my eyes open and straight away, saw the sun light shining in. The next thing I realised was Sarah's arms were wrapped around my torso tightly and her head was softly resting on my shoulder. This was the best way I have ever woken up, with her by my side. I slowly turned around to see light blonde strands of hair across her face. I moved them behind her ear and softly kissed her perfect, plump lips. We had both only slept in my biggest shirts so I got up and quickly grabbed a pair of jogger pants. I rolled the bottom of my t-shirt up and started to get into my pants. "Well, good morning beautiful." I quickly turned around and sat on my bed because she had just seen my ass. She laughed and gesture for me to sit next to her. I kicked the pants off and did as she asked. "You don't need to be embarrassed (Y/N), you've got a great ass." She said with her minor lisp and bit her bottom lip as I smiled and lay down next to her. I faced her and she slowly started to stroke my cheeks. I whispered: "I wish we could stay like this all day. I really don't want to go to work." She kissed me all over my face and I scrunched my nose as she did it. "Me too baby, but at least we have Amanda's party tomorrow." Hearing her say the word 'baby' to me brought those butterflies back to my stomach. Our faces grew closer and closer. Her beautiful, brown eyes disappeared as we both slowly shut our eyes. Suddenly, my phone started to go off. I wasn't expecting it so I flinched and sighed. I leaned over to get it thinking it was my alarm going off but it was parents wanting to FaceTime me! Fuck! "It's my parents, do you mind if I quickly say hi?" "No no of course not! I'll start getting ready." She kissed my shoulder and went to the bathroom.

"Hi guys-oh hi Dad! Where's Mum?"

"Hello (Y/N)! She's gone shopping. Have you only just got up!?

"Yes Dad, L.A is 8 hours behind you know haha!"

"Oh yeah you're right! I always forget. Well I'm just ringing to see how you are and to tell you that me and Mum were thinking of coming to see you in 2 weeks!"

My stomach dropped. That's too soon! I was so nervous just thinking about introducing them to Sarah.

"Er-uh-er really? So soon?"

"Yes darling. Your mum has even booked it off work!"

"Oh that's er, sounds good!" As I finished my sentence, Sarah dropped her phone on my bathroom floor and it made a bang.

"What was that noise, (Y/N)?"

"Er, it was... Sophie! You know, my best friend and who I share my apartment with!"

"Oh haha of course. Tell her to come over, I wanna say hello."

"Actually Dad, she's just about to get in the shower sorry! But I'll tell her you said hello. I'll have to go now because I need to get ready for work, I start in an hour. Speak to you soon, love you."

"Okay sweetheart, I'll tell Mum you said hi. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks! Bye, love you too."

I hung up. That was close. I finally managed to get dressed and did my make-up for work. Sarah was in the bathroom doing her hair. I walked behind her and slowly wrapped my arms around her waist. "Baby, you're so precious" she said to me, looking at me through the reflection of the mirror. I just stood there and stared at her beauty for a couple of seconds. "You're everything, Sarah." She quickly turned around and pulled me in for a kiss. It got more and more heated and our tongues started to explore each other's mouths. She pushed me against the wall and started rubbing her hands up and down my body. Fuck, why did we both have work!? She started leaving little kisses down my neck and next thing I hear is "(Y/N)! Are you in?" Sarah quickly stood back from me and faced the mirror again. "Er yeah Soph, I'm in my room!" I ran back to my room and re-applied my lipstick. "Hiya! Sorry can't stay long, Jakes waiting outside. I forgot my phone charger and Jake's got a different one!" She stopped speaking for as she noticed Sarah came out the bathroom. She smiled at her and continued "Oh hi Sarah, sorry I completely forgot you were staying round!" "Hi Sophie! Haha it's alright, it's nice to see you!" Sarah said and smiled back to Sophie. "(Y/N), I'll see you when I'm home. Have a good day at work guys! Was nice to see you again Sarah!" 

"Bye!" said me and Sarah at the same. "Why do we always almost get caught?" I said and laughed with Sarah after I said it. Sarah looked at her phone and sighed. "We've both really got to get to work. I'll drop you off, babe. We'll finish what we started another time" she winked at me and we intertwined our hands as we walked out my apartment and towards her car. My phone buzzed and I looked down. It was a text from Soph.

Soph: Oooo so she stayed over! Can't wait to hear about your night! X

I couldn't wait to tell her that Sarah is officially my girlfriend so I decided to do it now.

Me: We're official now Sophs!! So happy :* x

Soph: Shut up!!! Awww that's the best news I've heard all week, I'm chuffed for you bestie! We need to double date ;) x

Me: Thank you Sophs! Omg yes we will soon! See you later x

A/N: I hope this chapter is good... I wrote it with the spare time I had today! Next chapter is Amanda's party and I'm so excited to work on it :) as always, thanks again for reading!

I also heard that Sarah is in London right now omg!!! She's literally 2 hours away from me :(

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