Chapter 1- Desert of Death *dun dun duuunnn*

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"Where the hell are we!" I yelled to Chris who was looking at the map behind me.

With the back of my hand, I wiped away some sweat that was building up there.


I looked at Bryce, a smirk forming on my lips.

"Don't. You. Dare"

He started running. I gave chase. It took five minutes before he tripped over the dry sand and I was on top of him, rubbing my sweaty hands in his cheeks. He tried to bat me away but failed due to my far more advanced skills and abilities.

"I thought we were working on your cussing," Mercy said, standing a few feet away with a judgement eyebrow raised.

"Didn't drop the f bomb," I announced, still sitting on top of Bryce, but calmer now.

"Is no one going to help me?" He said from below.

We ignored him.

"Should be a city just a few miles up ahead," Chris finally said, a bit of uncertainty in his voice.

"Should be's good enough!" I yelled, jumping of Bryce to walk besides my Pooh Bear.

I glanced up at him to see his eyes following something in the distance. Following his gaze, I caught the object.

"Heads up, guys. Something's coming."

My hands went to the two blades tied on either side of my waist.

Something was coming at us, fast. Looked to be a man on horseback.

When he was close enough to see, I could make out the strange loose clothing he was wearing. Mostly just bright shit thrown on bright crap with a bright hat thing to top it off. Underneath all that bright crap, cause I can't cuss apparently, was darkly tanned skin and black eyes.

"Lena, I take it?"

Oh, yeah, cause knowing my real name was so unsuspicious. My hands gripped the hilts of my daggers even tighter, ready to jump. granted, the sand might be a bit of a deterrent.


He looked me up and down, ignoring my comment and fueling my mad rage.

"Your smaller than I thought. We'd heard you were a monster in a fight, but you don't look like you could pick up a brick."

Oh, no no. "Why don't you get your sunny ass down here and I'll show you what I can do with a blade, you overdressed ass hole."

His eyes remained blank. "Yes, we heard about that mouth too."

"Stop referring to yourself like that you fu-"

"Okay!" Mercy yelled, pushing me aside. "And she was doing pretty well, too." Her blue eyes slid over to the mysterious ass hole. "So, you've heard about my sister. Then you know she's a ticking time bomb of incredibly calculated of rage. Why don't you tell us what brings you to our humble company before we let the dog loose on you."

She called me a dog...

"Ah, the sister. Yes, I suppose that would be wise." His eyes went to me for a second. "My name is Kalen and I serve the Abrazzian royal family, specifically King Aaron. I was told to give this to you."

He handed Mercy a piece of paper who tossed it back to me.

It read;

Dear Lena,

Taking into note that you headed out of Maple, there was really only one city state in that general direction which is Abrazz. Now, I know what your thinking and, no I didn't not tell you I just didn't remember. So, I hope that this letter finds you in good health and not half dead and dehydrated.

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