Chapter 9

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I wake up to Liam shaking me because we are getting ready to land. "Uhh are we here yet?" I ask "were getting ready to land" Liam says "okay" I say sitting up. We get off the plane and go to get our luggage. I grab my bright yellow suitcase with black pokadots and Liam grabs his boring black one. We head to the exit and Liam's friend Matt picks us up and drives us to the resort we are staying for the week. We walked into the elevator and dropped our stuff because are floor was on the top. The doors close and Liam looks at me. I find my heart beating faster, Liam takes a step towards me and I take a step towards him he leans in when we feel a jolt and the lights go out."Liam?" I asked a little scared "Annie I'm right here it's just the elevator stopped we just have to call someone. Do you have your phone?" He asks "yes" I say handing it to him he types in Matt's phone number. 20 minutes later some firemen were lifting us up the elevator shaft. Good thing the elevator stopped pretty close to a floor.
We get to our room and drop our bags, I plop down on the bed and fall asleep within ten minutes. I wake up with Liam's arms around me. I quietly and carefully sneak out from under his arm. I go and take a shower. When Liam wakes up he asks me if I want to go on a run with him. "Um rain check?" I ask "I'll remember you said that" he says walking out the door "okay" I say. I text kacee and she tells me about the fight her and Harry got in. She also says that they are going to a interview about the couples and she is going even though she is a little mad at Harry. she asks me about me and Liam and I say that were doing great and I was just about to go to the beach because Liam is out on a run. We say goodbye and I hang up. I leave a note for Liam and head to the beach. I set up my towel and take out my sunscreen "need some help with that?" I jerk around to see liam standing there "Liam what are you doing I thought you were running?" I ask "I was running along the beach when I saw you." He says. "Oh okay so um yeah sure that would be great" I hand him the sunscreen and he rubs in into my back. "Annie I really really like you and I miss you being my girlfriend so can I have one more ch-" I inturupted him with a kiss at first he was suprised, I was too, but then he kissed me back. I pull away and tell him yes then he smiles and i tell him to go get his swim suit on so we can swim " or we can surf" he says "I don't know how" I say "I'll teach you!" He says enthusiastically "sure I say.
He comes back like 20 minutes later with a surf board and swim trunks. He put the surfboard on the ground and had me try it out. " No i will look ridiculous." I say " Annie you never look ridiculous, your too cute" he says smirking. I glare at him but get on the surf board and do what he says. 20 minutes later I'm in the water trying to surf. I paddle out and turn around when Liam says too. I paddle and then he yells stand up and I try but my foot slips and I fall right off. I'm pulled under the waves but I pop up in just a few seconds so I'm fine, Liam pulls me up and asks of I'm okay." I'm fine li" I say laughing at his terrified face. "Gosh you scared me so bad!" He said I laughed and I head back up to shore and dry off with my one direction towel that Harry got me for my birthday last year. I sit on my chair and watch Liam surf for a couple more hours once he's done he comes in and gives me a big hug and I get soaked. He takes my hand and we walk back up to our room. He insists that we take the stairs so I leave all of my stuff with him and run up the stairs "hey" he yells I laugh and keep running. By the fourth floor I'm exhausted so I go to the elevator to ride for the rest of the way , I see Liam and there with all of our stuff I laugh he looks at me and laughs and I get in the elevator "what floor madam?" He askes all proper sounding "forty two" I answer the same way " ahh it looks like we are going to the same floor, what a coincidence" Liam says I laugh put my arms around his neck and set my head on his chest, he puts his around my waist and we dance to the elevator music until we get to the top floor. "After you madam" he says holding his arm out "why thank you kind sir" I say as I walk to our room.

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