Everything That Glitters, Isnt Always Gold

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When I arrive home from work, I know the car parked at the side of the house means John's beat me home. Home. I sigh, happily. Kicking off my shoes in the doorway, I go off in search of him. I don't think I'll ever get used to how big this house is. Maybe someday I'll talk him into moving us into a cozy apartment. Though I'd miss the ocean views way too much.

I find John in his office, his tie loosened around his neck, white shirt sleeves pushed up his forearms and a glass filled with bourbon. Hard liquor as soon as he's home from work? This is new.

"Everything okay?" I ask, sinking down into his lap and bringing my arms around his neck.

He sets down his glass and rests his chin on my shoulder. "Just work." He releases a heavy sigh. "Things are fucked up at the moment."

He doesn't normally talk about his work much, and I realize that I want to be let in to this part of his life. He's in charge of a company that I know very little about.

"What's going on with work?" I ask.

He lifts his head and meets my eyes. "It's nothing for you to worry about, sweetness."

I might not have as high quality education as him, but I was pretty sure I could understand whatever was troubling him. Maybe I could even help make it a little better. Isn't that what girlfriends do?

I rise from his lap and stand before him with my hands on my hips. "I don't think I have to remind you that withholding information got you into trouble before. You never talk about your work. Let me in. Let me be a true companion, John."

The frown line running across his forehead deepens as he watches me. "That's not...I'm not trying to keep anything from you."

"How do you know Kylie?" I blurt.

"Let's go have dinner and we'll talk about everything."

Oh, fuck. He has that look on his face like he has to tell me something unpleasant. Has everyone seen my boyfriend's package? Work tomorrow with Kylie is going be extremely difficult if so. As much as I like and respect her, I will not be able to keep my cool if they shared some sexual past.


Once Katy and I are seated at the dining room table with our plates of food in front of us, I know I can't stall any longer. I'm not used to bringing people in to my world so completely. Even when I was married, I rarely discussed my work with Stella. I don't think she even knew what I did, in all honesty. But I also knew it was time to change.

"First, I know Kylie from college. And a few years ago, I heard from a friend that she'd moved out here and was looking for a job. I interviewed her. We hadn't spoken in a couple of years at that point. I found she was more than qualified. I knew if I didn't snatch her up, she'd soon have multiple offers."

Katy fiddles with her fork. "So there was never anything romantic between the two of you?"

"No." It's the absolute truth, and I've never been more grateful that I kept my dick in my pants than I am in this moment. I couldn't take another look of disappointment crossing my girl's features. "She's an employee, and that's all."

"Okay. Thank God, because work was going to be really strange if you two had some secret past." Katy grins and takes a big bite of the food on her plate.

"Now, in regards to work. I'm not great at talking about it."

She glances up at me and frowns. "The company stock is down fifteen percent."

"Oh. I'm sorry, John. I didn't know."

I nod. "I don't do failure well."

"This is not a failure, John. You are not a failure." Her bright blue gaze burns on mine.

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