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It was now Friday and for the past week, we had football practice every day for the up-coming game and unfortunately, I spent less time with Raven. She would sometimes stay and watched me practice for a while before she had to go to work.

She would sit at the bleachers with Elijah sometimes and of course, while we were practicing, the cheerleaders were practicing too which means Amber was always there.

Elijah and Raven would sometimes do their homework together or eat or just talk. I'll sometimes join them with the boys when we were on break.

Alex would always sit next to Raven before I even get there which pisses me off. Amber and the other cheerleaders would always make some form of comment whenever we were around Raven but Raven, however always pretended that she didn't hear anything which I think was the best way to deal with those kinds of things.

Raven left a few minutes ago and we were almost done. While I went to grab my water, Amber walked up to me.

"Looks like your girlfriend left. Probably got bored huh?" She said, shifting her weight on to one leg and crossing her arms with pompoms in her hands.

"Actually," I took a gulp of water. "She went home early to get ready for our date tonight."

The shock on her face was so prominent that I almost burst out laughing. Giving her one last smirk, I went back to practice.

I wasn't really lying to her though. I was doing something with Raven tonight but it's not a date. She has a fight tonight and invited the boys and me to watch.

Practice ended soon later and I made my way towards my car. I drove home and got ready for tonight.


The place was crowded.

Many guys were roaming around the gym before the actual fight start. I met Leo again a few seconds ago and turns out, tonight's fight was illegal, sort of.

Tonight's fight was just for fun and we can bet on who would win and all. We were told not to tell anyone about tonight or the gym would be in trouble. I asked Leo what if the cops found out, he said it will be settle easily as he has people on the inside.

We haven't seen Raven yet and Leo told us she would be out after a couple of other fighters fight. We found a spot that got a perfect view of the boxing ring; the same one from the other day I found Raven after the Amber incident.

We talked among ourselves while we waited for the fight to start.

A beefy guy with a beard and a sleeve tattoo went into the boxing ring after his name was called. His opponent was a lanky guy with long hair that was up in a man bun. They fought for a while and the lanky guy won.

A few more fights were held before it was Raven's turn. I saw her standing next to Leo and the host guy not far from me.

I gestured the guys to follow me as we maneuvered through the crowd. Raven stood there with a pair of blue basketball shorts with a black sports bra. Her hair was braided, exposing her perfect face. Her hands were covered with black boxing gloves. Her expression was blank as always as she watched the fight.

"Hey." I shouted; trying to get her attention as the crowd was growing wild.

She turned her head and looked up at me before breaking into a small smile.

"Didn't think you guys would come." She said loudly.

"Well, we got to support our girl, right?" Alex shouted. Raven grinned at him and the other boys before making eye contact with me.

The host guy announced the winner of the round and introduced the next fight. He called the guy and a bald beefy guy stepped into the ring. That guy was going to fight with Raven?

Raven was about to take her position near the ring before I pulled her back. She looked up at me with a questioning look.

"You're not going to fight him, right?" I asked. That guy could easily hurt Raven and I was getting worried.

Raven smiled encouragingly before slowly tearing my hand from her arm. "I fought guys like him before. I can handle it."

She walked up the ring before I could respond. I watched as they circled each other and the guy attacked. My breath hitched but soon, I let out a sigh in relief as Raven dodged him which made him stumbled a bit.

They circled each other again and he delivered a punch towards Raven but Raven blocked it with her arms. A hand slapped on shoulder and I looked over to see Leo next to me.

"Don't worry, she can handle him." he said before patting my shoulder two times and walking away.

"I hope so." I muttered, more to myself as the boys stood next to me as they plastered an equally worried expression as we watched Raven fight.

A few punches from the guy later, Raven has yet to make a move. The guy was slightly panting as he tried to deliver a punch.

Before the punch was an inch away from Raven's face, she blocked it and delivered a punch to the guy's jaw. He stumbled back while cupping his jaw with his. He snarled and before advancing forward again.

Raven punched him twice; one, on his other jaw and another, his abdomen. While he was clutching his stomach, Raven delivered an upper cut that made him stumbled backwards.

Before he could regain his balance, Raven sent a full roundhouse kick that sent her opponent to the ground; knockout.

The crowd cheered along with us. I was incredibly amazed by her skills. She walked out of the ring with her skin glistening from sweat.

She looked at me and winked. "Told you I could handle it."

I smiled at her while the boys gushed about how awesome she was. She returned the smile and listened intently to everything the boys had to say. Leo came back and congratulated after handing her the winning money.

She stuffed it in her pocket before excusing herself and Leo whispered something to her and she smiled at Leo with a sad smile before nodding. What did he said to her?

Raven excused herself to change and we waited for her outside so that we could go to the diner and celebrate.

I saw a different side of her tonight and I was sure I wasn't going to mess with her. Whatever Leo said to her still bugs me though. I wanted to ask her about it but I knew I shouldn't.

My curiosity will get the best of me somehow and I wasn't ready to mess anything up with Raven.

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