December 7, 2016

74 5 3

Dear Diary,
Hey. My therapist recommended that I start keeping a journal/diary to log my feelings and shit like that. I think it's kind of a hassle, but at least I'll have a nice place to write my suicide note when it comes time for my inevitable demise. I might use this for poetry too, or maybe some drawings, I don't know... I actually think it'll be kinda cute. Aside from the fact that my life sucks and I have no fucking talent.

Anyways, on the flip side, I finally got a job! I mean a real job, not uploading a YouTube video every month or streaming an otome where I date myself. It's at a pizza parlor! I'm pretty surprised that they hired me, considering my GPA isn't even high enough for me to work at McDonald's, but... Well, they probably just wanted some diversity. Having a borderline autistic kid on the work team always looks good on the old résumé. I start work tomorrow. I really think this is going to be a great new start for me. Jon thinks so too. I'm so fortunate to have such a supportive roommate. After Asagao, a lot of people separated from their roommates and decided to live on their own, but not Jon and I. I can't imagine living alone. Without each other, we'd probably both be dead. Jon helps me with my depression. I help him with his drinking problem. It's an interdependent relationship.

I haven't heard or seen much of Jared after we graduated. I think he and Mai moved in together. I'm happy for them. I really am. They've been madly in love since they met at Asagao. Mai has never been happier. I really miss Jared, though. He was one of my best friends, and now he's just... Gone. Mai is such a lucky girl.

Well, I've got to go. Jirard is coming over to play a round of Nario Kart, just like old times. He lives in the same apartment complex as us, so we get together sometimes to play games or hit the town. I like it; it brings back nostalgia of a happier, simpler time. Wish we could turn back time. To the good ol days.


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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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