Chapter Four

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Thank you for being around this long. @Precious_Nkem_O and @Joseph_Mack thank you both for being so supportive.

So this chapter has taken me days to get it just right however I still feel there's a hitch I just can't spot, I'll really appreciate a second or third eye. That being said expect some changes to be made later, nothing major. Also remember to vote if you like it, leave a comment if you have something to say. I'll appreciate it.

Sufuria is a cooking pot, ala is just a Swahili exclamation, sai ni saa ngapi is what time is it and nyama choma or nyam chom is roast meet (or barbecued meat) nyama choma and beer is like every Kenyan man's better half, they live for it. Chamas are little finance groups people normally have, initially they used to be for women to save up and buy house hold essentials for each other but they have since grown into all inclusive economic development units of upto 20 members. The government and banks are more open to loaning chama businesses than individuals.
All my love,
Stacy Muya.


Philip got home at 5am.

He laboured to quietly open the metal door. Throwing a plastic bag on the floor, he sighed and walked in then struggled to close the metal door once again without any loud creaking. Switching on the lights, he almost had a heart attack when he saw her.

She was looking right at him, chest heaving, eyes boring holes into him. How long had she been seated there, in the darkness? Why? His mind was somewhere between completely confused and utterly panic stricken.

"What time is it?" she asked. Her eyes were calm as usual, but he did not miss the livid glint in them. He had never seen her so angry before. Her jaw was set in a tight stance as if she was biting her tongue, reigning a fury that was scorching her from the inside, quickly consuming every last bit of control she had left. She looked like she was fighting a losing battle against hysteria. Any moment now, she could give in and rain hell upon him.

He felt his stomach knot. If he had been tired before, now he was not. He was fully awake, his heart was beating and his mind failed to grasp for the life of him why he was completely terrified of his wife seating there, angry, struggling to stay composed. In his life, he had never been this afraid of a woman, not even his slightly unstable mother. In fact, maybe he had never been this intimidated by anyone before.

"Philip, I asked you, what time is it ala," she shouted, banging her hand on the dining table. It shook worse than he did. She stood up from the table, eyes still fixed on him. Her chest rose up and down and suddenly the calmness in her eyes was replaced by a wild inferno, ready to devour everything in its wake. She had surrendered to the rage, that fury he had always been poking at. He could not say a word. She was waiting for an answer yet all he could do was wonder when the palpitations he was having would turn fatal.

"Philip for the last time,ni saa ngapi?"

"5:03, " he was barely audible. He had almost said, 5:03AM Madam. Ngai ndethia he thought, calling out to God. What had gotten into her?

Searching for anywhere else to look at but her,his eyes roamed the room. He held in a groan when he noticed that the table was set up. Dishes,wine glasses,hot pots, flowers, a bottle of Monte Bello and candles had been carefully arranged although now slightly out of place since she had banged her fist on the table. His eyes widened in shame when he finally threw a glance at her. She had made herself up. She must have been freezing in a little red gown and only a matching silk robe.

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