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Kyle's Point Of View

"Don't let me go," the girl pleaded, trying to cling on to the Asian boy in front of her. "I could die." She sobbed.

He looked panicked as his almond shaped eyes met mine in the middle of the hospital waiting room. I seemed to be the only one that noticed their small exchange towards the door. Almost pitifully the girl fell to the ground on to her knees with a small clunk, and the boy dashed out of the hospital.

"Crow!" She cried in a voice barely above a whisper, her small pale body shaking.

I stood and walked to her in a few quick strides before picking her up and putting her over my shoulder, and moving quickly to the front desk. Slamming my hand down on the front desk as I pulled the girl to my front, I could tell I startled the nurse. The girl was a mess of whimpers as I stared down the nurse.

"C-can I help you Mr. Stevens?" The nurse Frida said in a shaken voice.

"You can find this girl a room in the emergency department." My voice was cool and calculated even though inside I was freaking out wondering what was wrong with this girl.

The girl poked her head around and I could get a glimpse of her face. Her eyes were sunken in, a mystical bloodshot green, and her skin was a pasty yellow. As her eyes darted down to the floor I got a glimpse of paper white lids and dark purple veins. Her cheekbones so sharp you could cut wood with them, the skin stretched tight over the bones. She was a fucking druggie.

I swore under my breath. "She's overdosing."

The girl looked at me frightened as the nurse hurried off to get people, screamin code yellow. "H-how?"

"Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to."

I could tell she was weak and hurting but as soon as I said that her dull eyes held a small fire in their depths, the fog clearing for a second before going over again.

As the new male nurse took her from my arms and placed her in the stretcher, I noticed the terrified look on the girl's face. "You're gonna be ok.." I trailed off not knowing her name.

".. Onyx." She finished in a whisper as they started pushing her down the hall.



Sitting in the stark white doctor's room I glared at the wall, wondering why the fuck I was here. I had been in remission for two years. I stared at one of the stupid posters on the wall. Amazingly it had a set of beautiful lungs, untouched by the destructive cancer mine had been exposed to. My face grew hot as I felt the anger at the unfairness. My mother had smoked all through my childhood, and I had never even touched a cigarette. Her lungs were perfectly fine but mine were covered in damaged cells and tar. There was a small mirror on the wall in front of me, and I felt a lump in my eyes as my blue eyes stared back at me. Why me? After all of the things I survived in my childhood, only for my mother to kill me in the end anyways.

The door opened, revealing my worst enemy, the papers to sign for chemotherapy. "Are you ready?" Doctor Schwartz asked, on his face a look of pity.

I wiped my eyes and gritted my teeth. "Give me the papers." I snatched them from his hand and signed them furiously, and angrily.

The doctor looked at me with those eyes filled with all his fucking sympathy and left me to wallow in my self pity. He would need to find me a room that I would be spending the next week and a half in, to get stable with the bastard radiation they would be filling my system with. The joy of cancer that wasn't even your fault in the first place. A small sliver in my brain hoped my room would be next to the junkie that I helped earlier. I knew it was a very slim chance, as junkies get taken to rehab or jail when they get hospitalized.

What was her name? I never got that. Was it Macy? Kenna? Jaymie? Or was she really telling the truth and her name was Onyx.

"What terrible parents name their kid Onyx?" I whispered to myself, laying on the hospital bed. The ceiling was a nice rose brown. Beautiful, just like her bright green sunken in eyes.

With a jolt I sat up. "How the hell are sunken eyes attractive?" I exclaimed.

"I don't know," the nurse chuckled from the door.

My face went bright red, and I looked down at my feet, embarrassed. "Oh, sorry I didn't see you."

She smiled warmly. "You're talking about that girl that you took to the desk right?"

"Yes," god will my face burst into flames already?

"She is okay, by the way." A spark danced in the pretty nurse's eyes. "Your room is ready too."

I followed her down the hallway past the ICU, and pediatrics. As soon as the familiar beige walls came into sight I felt a lump formulate in my throat. "God I forgot how much I hated this place."

"Hating and loving come hand in hand." The nurse smiled, exposing bright ivory teeth.

The smell of depression and antiseptic alcohol hit me like a slap in the face. Memories of these walls made tears fill in my eyes. Last time I found myself in this unit I was on the verge of death. Thinking you're going to die is probably one of the worst experiences ever. My thoughts drifted back to that girl and how she must have thought she was going to die. I had weeks, she had hours. I shuddered thinking of the terror that filled her eyes, I felt her pain with her as I walked into my own personal hell, I wanted to tell her I understand, that I could be there for her.

"Who wants a loser cancer patient anyways?" I breathed as the nurse lead me to room six.

"What, hun?" She looked back at me.

"Nothing, this used to be my old room." I covered for myself, looking around at my familiar surroundings.

"Oh! I remember you!" She smiled. "Remember me? Jessica?"

I got a faint flash back of a girl giving me a sponge bath after I had puked on myself because of my body adjusting to the chemo. "Oh, uh, yeah."

She laughed, "I never got the smell out of those scrubs."

My face went scarlet again. "Oh, uh, sorry."

She gave another small laugh and left the room, and I flopped down on the bed.

Why am I back in this place, after everything I've done. I've tried to be a good person and help people. Can I never do anything right..? Who knows.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2016 ⏰

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