This I Believe

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I believe that when I write, I can be who I truly am. At about twelve years old, I wanted something to do. Trying to look for games to play, instead, I came across a writing app called Wattpad. I was curious as to what it was and later ended up loving it. I started out reading any books that interested me for a while.

About five months after getting the app, I decided to attempt at writing things down. I came up with so many creative ideas. When I uploaded my stories, I loved getting readers, comments, and votes on my chapters. This got me really encouraged to write more. At the time, they were really short and to the point, but with learning more about writing and doing it more, I have really improved over time. Looking back, I am happy that I started writing and that I have so far come out successful in it.

Because of writing and reading more, I have not only gotten better at that, but I have also improved at a lot of things. I can edit it easier and faster now, too. I am more dedicated to working than I was at the start and I have more hope for the future. Because I have written more, I have more of a responsibility to keep up with updating my books. It gets hard at times to balance school, sports, editing, and writing all at once, but it is not impossible. This is only one reason why you need to be dedicated to what you are doing. You have to love it and be compassionate about it.

When doing something you love, it is easy to forget the time and you can be who you are. For me, this is in writing. The more you work on something, the better you will get. I can now think about things that help improve my writing more, for example, no run on sentences or shaping your sentences to make more sense and explaining something into more detail. I never would be able to do this if I did not work at it and try to become better at it.

Not long ago, I started a notebook to write my ideas in. I often brainstorm more book ideas and short stories to write later on. I carry it around with me everywhere just in case I think of something else. I look them over and change them to make them better and more in depth before I type them into my iPad or phone. The reason behind this is because I did not have enough time to actually write them all down and it's a lot easier for me to write it out by hand rather than on a device. When I scribble it onto paper and draw arrows, cross words or sentences out, and mark reminders in the margins, it helps me a lot. By doing this, I believe I can express myself more through writing.

 By doing this, I believe I can express myself more through writing

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