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Hey guys in this chapter there is a song.DO NOT PLAY IT NOW. Play it when I tell you to or it will not make sense. I warn you some of you may be angry with me. Also if you are wondering my cousin told me to put this song in here ⤴️ that's her kinda taste of music not mines,enough about me more about the story:
Cassies POV
Trixie and Ella they are fine friends but they are in every other class that hasn't got me in it. :( yeah.
Caleb has let the string a bit loose I mean he won't be next to me protecting me all the time anymore he says that it's died down a bit, whatever .
As I doodle in the back of my textbook at the end of the biology lesson, I'm remembering all of the periodic table : Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen ,Fluorine, Neon, Sodium ,Magnesium ,Aluminium ,Silicon ,Phosphorus, Sulphur , Chlorine , Argon, Potassium , Calcium , Scandium, Titanium, Vanadium, Chromium, Manganese, Iron ,Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Zinc, Gallium, Germanium, Arsenic, Selenium, Bromine, Krypton, Rubidium, Strontium, Yttrium, Zirconium ,Niobium, Molybdenum, Technetium, Ruthenium, Rhodium, Palladium, Silver, Cadmium, Indium, Antimony, Tellurium, Iodine Gryffindor_Gail
The bell rings as end of the day I jump out of my seat and run to my locker. Today I wanted to finish off my homework quick from biology and chillax, yeah.

But as soon as I turned the corner. I stopped, and stared in absolute silence. I saw something I couldn't believe. Right in front of my locker two people were kissing. And those two people included one of the most popular girl/cheerleader in the world Amie. But the other person was

A swirl of emotions swiped through my body. Shock,amazed,scared,worried,angry,confusion,hurt,confused on why I felt hurt,
Suddenly I let out a whimper. They stopped, and turned to face me. one face had that smile which was filled with sour sugar, and the other was shocked. Warm tears began to well up in my eyes making my eyesight blurry. I dropped my satchel bag on the floor and began to run. I didn't understand why I was crying neither did I understand why I was running, the only thing I did get was one thing. I need to go to Ella and Trixie,as I leave the calls of asking me to come back I head towards the sports hall. Trixie and Ella are usually there. They told me they both love dancing. I hear some faint slow music in the background. I peep the sports hall door open to see Ella in ballet kit and pointe shoes, her hair was tied up in a beautifully done bun and she was doing a pirouette. Trixie was sitting on a bench nearby and saw me, she looked shocked most probably because of my face and that I was here, she gestured me to sit next to her. I crept in Ella didn't notice. Then out of nowhere Trixie got out a pair of dark purple headphones and plugged her iPhone in and put them round my neck. Play the music now!As I put them into my ears and heard the music, I smiled, ha it was Jessie J, some English artist perhaps. Not my style but right now I needs this. It felt right. That's when I realised I had friends. Ella finished her thing and came over. She smiled and said "so you turning into Trixie now huh!" I smile. I take the headphones off and stand up. I smile I'm about to reply with one of my amazing comebacks, Then Trixie does something very unexpected. She takes the headphones out of the iPhone and Jessie Js music blasts out of the sports hall speakers. She shouts over it "I connected my iPhone to the speakers!"
Ella looked as if she was going to die, I just started laughing. Trixie joined in too, in the end all of us were laughing, we are so weird. I heard footsteps. We are gonna get busted. Trixie stopped the music, opened the window and jumped out so did Ella and then me. We ran for our lives laughing and screaming the whole way, but as soon as we had got out of the school grounds, and Trixie had 'collapsed' onto the grass and Ella was sitting and still giggling in short breath, I realised something,
"Trixie your phone"
That's when all of us stared at each other paled faced and gulped. She had left it there.
Suddenly Trixie started laughing "you guys! Don't tell me you think I'm that much of a novice and you should know better Ella!" She said this and pulled out her headphones from the pocket. "See they are right ther..." She pushed her hand as deep as it could go and she couldn't find it then the other, she emptied all her pockets, she still couldn't find it, then she looked at me and then she looked at Ella and then she gulped. Then she stood up, her phone was sitting underneath her, she was smiling. "God your faces! I totally should have videoed that!" She had tricked us. Ella came up to me and whispered "don't worry we will get her another day and she will regret what she did this evening!"

Omg what the hell just happened lol. Anyways eeeeee
Can't wait for the next chapter? Neither can I myself!

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