Sickness Dancing!

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Cough Cough

That's the only sound that could be heard from the shared bedroom of Jimin and Yoongi, as the day began to drawn to a beginning. Jimin lay in his bed, his eyes fixed upon the white ceiling as he tried to focus his gaze within the room that was seeming to start spinning. He was determined not to let his body become ill, not since there was a comeback coming up in a month's time. With that thought driving his actions, the raven haired boy moved from his warm cocoon of blankets, sluggishly shuffling out of the bedroom and down the hallway; where the eldest was already awake and flittering about the kitchen making breakfast for them all. He slowly shuffled towards the opening, making sure to hold himself as his normal bouncy, cheeky self that was the 'maknae line' way. Before he could even try to make it over to a seat at the breakfast bar of their dorm, a bouncy and wide awake Taehyung came bounding over; tackling the raven haired boy in a wide and warm hug.

"Jiminie!" Came his hyped up, and famously deep, tone of voice as he cuddled his best friend with an excited grin clinging to his lips. The raven haired boy grinned as well, and proceeded to bounce around and hug his best friend back, ignoring how his stomach seemed to flip with every movement he made, before they were lightly scolded by the eldest. Jimin knew very well why Taehyung, and indeed the rest of the dorm, seemed to be hyped up this morning. Today was the day that they would be working on their choreography for their new song; Fire. Before the events of the morning had taken place, Jimin had been as excited, or maybe even more so, than the rest of the Bangtan boys about the choreography since it was one that was created to challenge them a little. However, ever since he had woken up and felt the underlying lingering of illness gripping at his being, dragging him lower in to the depths of illness, his excitement for the dance had depleted ever so slightly. Despite this, and not wanting to worry the other six boys, he kept his sickness hidden. Jimin was torn away from his thoughts and feelings when he heard Seokjin's voice, calling him and Taehyung to at least eat something for breakfast before bouncing around so much. Quietly, like a puppy with a tail between his legs, he nodded and sat down beside the other and began to eat the eggs and toast that his hyung had prepared. Though to Jimin, this was the worst tasting breakfast he had consumed; since each bite made him feel like throwing that and the rest of the contents of his stomach up after each bite. But would he tell his hyung that he was sick? Of course not. So he just sat there, slowly eating all the meal whilst trying to keep himself from throwing up.

After the hour long ordeal that could be classed as breakfast, all of the boys were in the car and on their way to the studio that was located within the heart of Seoul itself. With Namjoon and Seokjin in the front seats, that left Hoseok, Yoongi, Taehyung, Jungkook and himself in the back. Jimin was sat on the left hand side of the car; his face pressed against the cool glass of the window in an attempt to battle the fever that was slowly racking through his skin. On his right sat Jungkook, the golden maknae, who was too busy playing an app on his phone to notice how Jimin's skin was slightly paler than before. Closing his eyes, the raven haired boy seemed to peacefully sleep away the long journey to the studio; only briefly drifting between being awake and asleep to occasionally hear Namjoon complaining that Taehyung and Hoseok were being too loud, or to hear Yoongi and Namjoon discuss their music compositions.

After what seemed like a minute to Jimin, the car pulled up outside of the studio and everyone started to climb out; all except for Jimin who was still asleep. Gently a hand shook him and his eyes slowly began to open. "Come on hyung, we're here." Came the soft laced voice of Jungkook, a voice that Jimin had always found to be rather soothing to listen to, especially when it came to his singing. With a inaudible groan, Jimin moved after Jungkook who was already halfway inside of the building, which was a good thing since as soon as Jimin got out of the car; his whole world was sent spinning and he would have very nearly fell over from the loss of balance, if he hadn't of been able to keep himself up with what little strength he had left. Letting out a shaky breath, he walked inside and put on a mask of being his usual bouncy and 'fluid' (when it came to his dancing) self as he made his way across to their allocated dancing space. He pushed open the door, walked across the wooden floor and placed his things into the allocated corner whilst the others proceeded to warm up and stretch. He took in a deep breath, knowing very well that this session would be a major struggle but he wanted to power through it, for the sake of the ARMY. The lesson began to get underway, with the boys focusing on the whole of the dance each time, before settling for certain part to focus upon. The teachers praised Jungkook and Hoseok for their dancing, however they criticized that Jimin was stumbling over steps that he would normally breeze through. He just played it off saying it was just a onetime issue; and for a while they believed that.

After a goof four hours of rehearsals, the boys were allowed a break which they were all truly grateful for, more so Jimin than the others. The raven haired boy slipped of outside of the studio itself as to get a breath of fresh air. However as he stood outside his whole world seemed to spin violently; his hearing became somewhat muffled and vision went spotted, and before he knew it he was falling to the ground, completely blacking out as he landed on the ground with a hard thud. Just before he blacked out however, he could have sworn that he had heard someone shout something. What was that something? He could not make it out, especially now since he was out for the count.

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