Pillow Forts And Cuddles?

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After what seemed like years to the raven haired boy, he sluggishly seemed to stir, slowly opening his eyes only to close them again due to the harshness of the bright ceiling above him. He slowly began to wake up more, opening his eyes and looking to the side of him, to see that there was a glass of water on the nightstand as well as the first aid kit. Slowly Jimin was able to recall what had happened. He had blacked out outside of the studio, and guessed he must have hit his head on impact with the ground since it now began to throb and ache greatly. However that doesn't explain how on earth he had managed to make it back to the dorm and in his bed, all wrapped up. He was alone when he had blacked out, unless the voice that he had heard was in fact one of the other boys and they had seen him fall? He really was not sure, but wanted to find out. He attempted to move, only to feel a pang of nausea plague his stomach and bile to burn the back of his throat as he went to move, so he swiftly refrained from moving and instead just lay there, curling further into the warmth of the blankets despite of how high his fever was reaching. He let out an audible groan as the nausea finally subsided, but the burn remained within his throat. After a few moments there was a soft knock at the door, which the raven haired boy expected to be his roommate Min Yoongi, wanting to come in and record; however he was pleasantly surprised when it was in fact Bangtan's golden maknae opening the door and walking in. He closed it softly behind him, before walking around to see the face within the bundle of blankets, which was now awake.

"How are you feeling hyung?" His voice was calm and soft, which Jimin was not expecting at first, but as always found it to be soothing, especially since he was ill and not as with it as usual. Jimin shuffled over on the bed, as to invite Jungkook to sit down with him, since he was a lot more 'clingy' when he was ill. Noticing how his hyung moved over, Jungkook smiled lightly and proceeded to sit beside him, making sure that Jimin was able to cuddle up to him, and wrapped an arm around him in a securing and protective manner without even realising it. With a warm and content smile plastered upon his lips, Jimin proceeded to cuddle up to the other, as if acting upon his instincts. What seemed like hours to the ill boy, but was only around ten minutes passed Jungkook moved, grabbed the glass of water as well as a cloth off of the nightstand before cuddling back up with his hyung. Jimin groaned softly as the younger moved, and sure enough cuddled up against him more; lightly closing his eyes as sleepiness was clinging to his eyes as his fever raged on and on as more time passed. This itself caused even more concern for the maknae, though he made sure to try and hide it as to not worry Jimin whilst he was ill. He proceeded to press the cloth against the others head, since it was damp and cool, and looked at him with a gentle smile.
"Jimin-hyung? Can you drink some water; it'll help with your fever." A soft nod came in response as Jimin struggled to sit up enough so that Jungkook could pass him the glass, which he took a few sips from before passing it back and curling back beneath the pile of blankets and pillows that were loitered across his bed at that moment. Jungkook sighed softly as he moved a hand to lightly run though his hyungs hair, as a way to calm and relax him since he had watched how his hyung would always do that when he needed to calm down; this action helped Jimin to slowly but surely fall into a somewhat deep slumber, one in which was more medicinal than alarming.

A good hour later, the door of Jimin's room slowly pushed open to reveal a worried Jin stood there with a neutral (yet equally worried on the inside) Namjoon beside him, their eyes now fixed upon the scene before them. Jimin was curled beneath the many blankets and pillows (almost as if he were within a pillow fort of sorts) with the cool cloth still against his head; and beside him, cuddled up within the 'pillow and blanket fort' was Jungkook, with his arm protectively holding onto Jimin as they both peacefully slept. With a light smile, Jin softly plodded over to the two, took the cloth from Jimin's head and lightly pressed his fingers to the skin; to find that his fever had now broken and he was cooling down.
"It would seem that our Kookie is a miracle worker with our Jiminie." Came the gentle whisper of Jin's voice that just about carried over to Namjoon who had moved from the doorway and was now walking over to Jin. Namjoon stood beside Jin, who moved just to pull the blanket over the pair as they cuddled more into each other.

"Hyung, let them sleep. They're peaceful and it won't hurt them to rest for a while longer." Came the deeper whisper from Namjoon as he took pulled lightly at Jin's shoulders as to take him towards the door.
"I suppose it wouldn't hurt. I'll make sure to make some extra dinner tonight." He gave a light and whispered chuckle before both him and Namjoon exited the room, leaving the two to sleep as long as they needed to.

Which was quite a while, since they were both so warm and cuddled up, it was almost as if Jimin's fever was long forgotten once the two had fallen asleep.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jun 09, 2016 ⏰

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