Snakes and Paddles and Glomps Oh My!!

22 3 17

Nova: More people? Really?

Louis:Why not? I heard one was Mani-

Mason: *wanders in* *full on Sweden glare*

Liam: *waves* Hey Mason!!

Mason: *grunts*

Nova: You really spend a lot of time with Sve......

Mason: Yeah? So?

Nathan: HOLLLLY SHIT * dodges from getting a snake bite*

Louis: Eh? *stares at snake*

Chimu: *comes out of nowhere right behind Nathan* Sorry about Killa -_-

Nathan: *BEEEEEP* *falls*

Parker: *snickering*

Jose: Chimu! You scared him!! *helps Nathan up*

Mihil: *edging away*

Jose: *sees Mihil* LITTLE BROTHER *glomp*

Mihil: *grumbling*

Marailu: Snaaakeeee*hugs Chimu*

Chimu:GET OFF =_=

Marsilu: Nu

Mason: =_=

Nova: *edging away*


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