Chapter 1

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Note: This story will be in 3 different point of views. You can tell by the color if the eye up above, but I will also add their name before the chapter begins. I hope you enjoy!
Warning: Their may be some curse words.
I couldn't believe my eyes. The one we had been looking for was right under our noses the whole time. I quickly sent a message on the wind to Elise and went back to staring intently through the mirror at the girl.

I hoped that Elise would get here soon, I feared if she didn't that I may screw this up like I do everything else. No matter what I do or how hard I try something always goes wrong. From a young age it has been this way, if I didn't have my older sister I fear I would not be alive today. She has saved me many more times than I can count.

My sister is the perfect fae. She is a Warrior fae and the most fearsome one of her time. She has mastered all 4 elements, but her strongest one is fire. I have yet to master one. The one time I tried I had been only 12 (that is when most fae begin training) and I had decided to work with the element I believed would cause the least amount of damage if something went wrong. I chose water. The whole class lined up and the instructor gave us simple drills. The first drill was to summon a tiny rain shower. Easy right? Wrong. I of course couldn't summon a tiny shower like I was supposed to, no it ended up being a straight down poor. Which then led to a bunch of soaked 12 year Olds and a very pissed off instructor.
I soon gave up on learning magic. I tried to find my path in the fae world. Their are 4 types of fae, Warrior fae, Elementalist fae, Nurturing fae (healers and such), and lastly the Unique fae, those who don't fit in a category. Unique fae is the proper term, but most fae just call then the Misfit fae and I was of course the last one, a Misfit. I could not control the elements so that marked out the Elementalist category. I could not fight at all so their went my chance to be a Warrior fae. I most definitely could not be a healer, the one time I tried that kind of magic the person I tried it on ended up worse not better. So that left the Misfit fae, most Misfits get stuck with the job of surveying. Surveying is basically looking through a mirror at the humans 5 days a week every week.

So here I am Surveying. Most people with the job of Surveying are ridiculed, all the other fae think themselves better. And they are correct. Surveying is just a job that the High fae came up with to keep the Misfits with nothing to do a purpose, albeit a pointless one. Nothing ever comes of it. Surveyors are supposed to look for signs of the Elves the sworn enemies of us fae, but an elf on the surface has not been seen in years they have stayed underground, just as us fae have stayed above.

Nobody has seen anything worth acknowledging in years. Until now.

"You called," my supervisor Elise asked. Unlike those she supervises, she is an Elementalist not a Misfit.
"Yes, I believe I found something important." I said eagerly. I had only started being a Surveyor a few weeks ago right after I turned 20 and was eager to impress.
"What is it?" She asked curious. "Have you spotted an elf on the surface?"

"Well not exactly but I-"

"Then why have you called me here. I have better things to do than have you waste my time." Elise says curtly. She turns to leave...

"I've found her." Elise quickly turns around and looks at me.
"You've found her?" I nod my head vigorously. "This had better not be a trick."

"It isn't I swear it on the Earth below," I decided to use the sacred oath of my people in hopes to persuade her into believing me, to convince her that I am serious.

"Well, if we found her," Elise took in a deep breath, "then we will have to assume the elves have as well."

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2016 ⏰

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