The Fitting Part 2 (Jungkook)

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Your mind raced as Jungkook walked towards you.  You only had a few seconds to decide what to do.  The proverbial angel on your shoulder was telling you to tell him no and put an end to this situation before it begins, but the devil inside you was lusting desperately to touch this man.

He's an adult, I'm an adult.  He wants me, I want him. No one needs to know.  No one else must ever know.

He was in front of you now, leaning in, eyes closed preparing to kiss you, when you turned your head away.  He looked at you with disappointment and confusion. You leaned in and pulled him closer, looking him directly in his eyes.

"I have some rules. This must remain our secret.  If anyone finds out what happened here tonight, I will lose my job.  Do you understand me?  You can't tell anyone.  Not your friends.  Not the other members. No one."

Jungkook smiled. "So this means something worth keeping a secret will happen, right?"

You just glared at him.

Jungkook's hands gripped your waist firmly as he pulled you closer, he leaned down and placed his lips against your ear.  "Ok, I got it. I will never tell anyone about what happens tonight."  With that you could feel his hot breath against your neck and his nose nuzzled against your ear.  His lips brushed against your jawline and cheek.  Your knees were getting weak as his hands slowly crept up your sides...

"One more rule.  This isn't a romance." You placed your hand firmly against the front of his trousers and gripped his bulge through the fabric.  He suddenly stopped all movement and his breathing hitched.  You were sure that you could get him to agree to anything at this point, but you needed to make sure you were in control of this situation.  "You have a need", you said gripping him tightly enough that  you could feel his pulse in his through the fabric, "and I want to take care of that need for you.  That's all this is.  Do you understand?"

Jungkook nodded.

"Say it, Kookie.  I need to hear you say that you understand."

"I understand.  We're just taking care of our needs.  Oh god, Noona, I need you so badly right now."

Jungkook placed his hand over yours, moving it up and down so  you were stroking him through his trousers.  "You said you would take care of this.  Please... I'm begging you."

His urgency was making you hornier by the second.  You didn't even care what happened anymore, this whole scenario was just so sexy.  

"Take off your trousers."

Jungkook pulled away just enough so he could quickly undo the buttons letting the fabric pool at his feet until he kicked it away.  He was wearing white underwear that clearly show the outline of his erection with a small wet spot where the precum had soaked through.  You brought your hands to the waistband and traced it with your index fingers before slowly lowering the waist band enough to make the head of his penis visible.  You leaned down and placed a gentle kiss at the tip.

Jungkook audibly groaned.

You opened your mouth slightly to suck lightly at the head of his cock.  Jungkook instinctively started to slowly thrust his hips forward, trying to get deeper, but his shaft was still covered by fabric and the angle was awkward.  You could tell what he wanted, but he wasn't going to be able to get it this way.

You stood up and started unbuttoning his shirt so you could feel the firmness of his bare chest.  He immediately tugged at the top of your dress, and pulled your bra straps down, exposing your breasts. His hands gripped the soft flesh of your breasts as he brushed his thumbs across your nipples. His eyes were riveted to your chest.

"Noona, I've wanted to touch you for so long.  You have no idea."

You pulled his head closer to your chest until you could feel his lips sucking at your right nipple while he pinched the left side.  It felt so incredibly good.

You reached back down and pulled his cock free from the confines of his underwear and firmly stroked him with your left hand.  

"Ffff... fuck.  That feels so good."

The skin of his shaft was so soft but you could feel the veins throbbing underneath. It twitched when you touched him.  Jungkook moaned softly as you continued to stroke him.  Clear precum was leaking profusely and you ran the palm of your hand over the tip, making sure to spread the clear liquid before continuing to pump your hand over the full length.

Jungkook continued to suckle at your breast while he worked his hands underneath your skirt and pulled your panties down around your knees.  He looked you directly in the eye as he licked his fingers before thrusting them back under your skirt and slipping them between the folds of flesh between your legs.  His moistened fingers gently circled your clit, causing your eyes to flutter and head to fall back.  Jungkook smiled at the display.

He slid a finger deep inside of you while the heel of his hand kept contact with you clit, increasing you desire and causing you to breathe more heavily.  You could see his confidence growing with each stroke; he took pride in giving you pleasure. 

Jungkook raised his head and leaned into you, aiming to kiss you, when you panicked a little.  Kissing was too romantic, this was just supposed to be sex.  You avoided making contact with his lips by dropping your head and placing your mouth against his chest, sucking and gently biting at the skin.  You could feel his hands gripping your arms and trying to pull you upwards so you could face him, but you continued move your lips down his chest, dropping to your knees, you placed your cheek against his erection.  

Jungkook looked at you quizzically and opened his mouth to say something when you turned and took him completely into your mouth.  Whatever Jungkook was planning to say to you was forgotten, his mouth agape, silent, not really breathing, while is eyes were wide, watching you bobbing your head furiously over his cock.  You took him into your mouth as deep as you could; the head of his manhood pressed against the back of your throat.  Jungkook threw his head back and closed his eyes and you took great pleasure at your ability to make him lose all sense.  He was close to losing control now.

You continued to suck him while gently stroking his balls.  His knees buckled slightly and then you heard him start to groan.  His balls tightened and you could taste his cum against your tongue.  Jungkook staggered backwards slightly, leaning against a table, completely spent.

Still on your knees, you looked up and smiled. "Looks like you enjoyed yourself."

Jungkook just nodded in agreement, still catching his breath.  Eventually, he looked at you and said, "But what about you? I barely did anything for you.  Why did you pull away?"

"Kookie, I told you, this was about helping you satisfy a need.  Don't worry about me.  I got what I wanted."

The truth was that you were still horny as hell but you already knew that you had gone way too far tonight and if he managed to sexually satisfy you, it would be too hard to not keep coming back for more.  It was better to end things here. 

You stood up and placed your hand against his cheek.  "I enjoyed tonight. Thank you for making me feel sexy and desired."

"Noona, you are sexy and I've wanted you for so long.  Are you sure you..."

You cut him off before he could finish. "We need to end this here.  Besides, I've got to get started on these alterations.  I came here to work, you know."

With that, Jungkook stood to get dressed.  Confused, but too drained to question any further.

Part 3 is on it's way...

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