Chapter 1- Is-Is It Really...Him?

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~Present Time~

It was so dark. It was so quiet. The silence was deafening. My throat hurt from screaming and crying, my ankles and wrists felt like they were on fire, my head ached, I was starving, my neck hurt, and I was exhausted.


My head quickly shot up. What was that? I looked up, but all i saw was pitch black. That's when I heard a deep and raspy voice call out.

"Hey there babydoll, long time no see don't you think?"

My ears followed the voice from, I'm guessing the door, to the back of this very uncomfortable metal-like chair.

"Who are you a-and what d-do you want fr-from m-me?" I stuttered out. I tried to sound confident in the beginning of my sentence but failed miserably towards the end because of how terrified I was.

He chuckled. "You don't remember me? Well, I do have to say THAT is a s-surprise." He mimicked me.

This is really freaking m- wait, I know that voice, I just can't put my finger on it. Who is it? who is it? who is it? Ugh, it's right at the tip of my tongue. Why can't I figure this out? Well maybe because I have been in this hell-hole for, maybe, 10 or 12 days? I don't know. I've stopped counting.

"Let me give you a couple of hints yeah? See if you can figure me out through that pretty little head of yours." He said.

"Hmm, pink and purple flowers, pancakes, love letter, park,.." he started walking around me while talking.

Why? Why does this have to happen to me? Wait is it-? No, it can't be. Is-Is it really...him? He would never do this to me ever, right? He's too sweet to do ANYTHING like this.

"..leaving you at your doorstep, 5 months, leaving me heartbroken for some worthless guy who doesn't even deserve you.."

Oh no, oh no, oh no, no, no. That wasn't even a real..,ugh, I thought we were just going out as normal.. UGH! I knew there was something weird about him when we first met them. We weren't or ever together, he's just a crazy psychopath.

"Come on, I think I have given you enough hints to figure me out already, haven't I?" He grabbed my chin and forcefully made me to look in his direction, which hurt my neck even more since I had to tilt my head backwards.

That's when my questions were answered just by simply looking at his face. It was the same guy who haunted my dreams before I even knew who he was, the same guy who listened to my annoying problems, the same guy who comforted me when no one else would, the same guy who would stay up with me all night just to talk and do dumb things at 5 a.m, the same guy who was there when I needed a shoulder to cry on the same guy who managed to bring a smile to my face, even on my bad days, the same guy who bought me chocolate at 3 a.m, the same guy that I thought of as an older brother who I thought would protect me. He is also the same guy who betrayed my trust in him, the same guy who has made me starve for days, the same guy who has given me headaches because of how much he would hurt me, the same guy who tied me up and won't even tell me why, the same guy who comforted me about my night terrors, and he is also the guy who made my nightmare into reality.

I wanted to cry and yell out for help but that would be useless. I've already tried millions of times but I always end up getting unlucky every time. Where could he have possibly trapped me so that no one would be able to hear my cries for help?

"Anabelle" he said in a sing-song voice. Just hearing his voice made me want to throw up. I nedeed to sound confident when I spoke to him. If I didn't then that would give him the satisfaction of thinking he has power and control over me. I mean, in this situation, he kind of does, but I can't let him know that. I need to try and stay strong. It is going to be very difficult but if I have survived this long, I can keep on going and pushing myself to not give up. I just need to think of a good plan to try and either work on getting these things off by myself or try and trick him into getting these things off of me. For now, I need to stay strong and act as calm as possible, especially around this monster.

Using all the anger and the little bravery I had left I finally spoke to him. "What do you want-".

This is my first story ever so if it's bad then please tell me so I can fix it. Anyway if you thought it was good then please vote/comment

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 06, 2019 ⏰

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