Where am I

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Ross's Pov: Shes not waking up maybe i should kiss her i said What Riker said almost swerving off the road I said maybe we should pour water on her i said scratching the back of my neck blushing Whatever Riker said Ross has a crush chanted rydel rocky

and Ratliff Shut up guys i said blushing .

Madisons Pov: Guys shes waking up A boy said where am I I asked Your in a car with your family silly the blonde girl said I am I asked ok no I lied your in a car with r5 said rydel cool I said. That's my fave band I said we could tell Ross said smiling at me and I smiled back. You wanna come to our house rydel asked yeah sure I said.

What do you think is going to happen at The Lynch's house read the next chapter to find our.

Maybe its true im in love with you r5/ross lynch love storyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя