CH 1

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I'll never forget the day I had to leave my favorite place in the world. South Korea. It was about 11 years ago when I was 7. My father had gotten a job offer in the United States, so we left.

"Bella! Come downstairs you're father and I have something to tell you!" My mother yelled upstairs so I could hear her in my room.

Me being the clumsy 7 year old self stumbled on the last few steps. Once I regained my balance I sat on our brown couch by my older brother Taylor. My mother had a thing for foreign names, mine came from the Italian word beautiful. And Taylor. . . Well I don't really know.

"So Taylor and Bella, you're father got a wonderful job offer . . . And we'll we are moving to the United States" my mother said in a rush looking down.

"WHAT NO WE AREN'T!" Taylor yelled jumping up from his seat.

"Now Taylor calm down we-" my father tried to reason.

"I WONT I DON'T WANT TO GO!" He yelled while running upstairs.

One week later

Today was my last day at school. I was upset all day and so was my best friend. Jungkook. We had been friends since the first day of kindergarten when he stood up for me to some second grade boys who were picking on me. Since then we became inseparable. Now we are going to be on opposite sides of the world.

"Bella I'll walk with you." Jungkook said with a sad smile on his face.

"Okay." I gathered my things and we walked to my house.

I stopped when we reached the playground the boys picked on me. I walked over the the swings and sat down with a sigh. Jungkook repeated my motions. As me reached in his bag grabbing his white Polaroid camera.

"Let's take a picture so we can always remember each other. And when you come back and I'm famous I'll know it's really you." He said and we posed for the picture.

We stayed in the same position so he could take two. He took out a blue pen and wrote Bella and Jungkook on Bella's last day in Korea with the date under it. He handed me one and I slipped it in the pocket of my school uniform. He stood up and stuck out his hand gesturing me to take it. I did and he started running to my house. Once we got there it was time to say goodbye.

"Bella you'll always be my best friend and I'll never forget you. I hope you have a good time in the US but please come back soon." Jungkook said as I started to get tearing up.

"You'll always be my best friend too Jungkook. I'll never forget you either and you'll be the first person I contact when I come back." He rapped his arms around me and we said goodbye.

Thee next morning my family was on the plane to our new lives.


After I moved to the US I met my friend Amanda on the first day of school. We become really good friends and as time went on we became best friends.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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