Making Up:

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I keep typing, and always end up deleting everything.

I've thought about a memoir type book about someone in Stars Hollow.

I've thought about history of stars hollow, I've thought about and tried short stories, but they never come together.

Somehow writing about something you care about for something you care about feels harder then writing about someone else's life and problems, or reporting news.

An hour has passed, I'm still writing ideas, I have 59 hours left. 59.

My heart is racing, and I start to panic.

My stomach is in knots and I don't know what to do.

If I can't get the book in, I won't have a chance at the job, if I do get the book in, and don't get the job I'll know my writing wasn't good.

I haven't even started, and my hands are shaking, fear of not having ideas and not being able to pull it off.

I need help. Now.

I unlock my phone and dial Jess's number.

Normally I wouldn't call, but we've been doing well, and this is by no means a normal circumstance. So it doesn't really count.

Plus, it might be nice to see him.

"Hello, Rory?" I hear his voice.

The first time I've heard it over phone since my Chilton Graduation.

I have to pause for a minute, to take a breath, and steady my shaking hands.

Now I don't know why they're shaking. It could be the book, or maybe it could be Jess...

"Rory?" I hear my name again, and it reminds me I'm still on the phone.

I glance at my laptop, the clock is ticking, and all the stress begins to flow back in.

"Hey, Jess. I need your help now. You need to come home." I say, and hang up, before he can answer.


I hear my name being yelled, and then a loud crash as Jess comes rushing in the door, in a panic that describes how I feel.

He stops dead in his tracks when he sees me.

"Hey, Jess. Ok so-" I begin, but he interrupts.

"What the hell Rory?" He asks, closing the apartment door behind him and coming into the living room with me.

I stay silent.

"I thought you were dying or something!" He says. "Jesus Christ."

"Sorry." I say.

"What do you need?" He asks, not quite looking me in eye.

"Coffee, coffee now!" I say, getting up and walking into the kitchen.

Jess follows, awkwardly.

"How's your book? Are you uh... You still using the Stars Hollow idea?" He asks, handing me the coffee beans from the cupboard.

"Thanks." I pour the beans into the grinder.

"Yeah, I think so. But I need help, with ideas and set up, and the storyline. Do you think you could-" i flick on the coffee grinder and have to wait for the loud noise it makes as it grinds the beans.

The noise dies down into silence.

"Could you..." I ask. Looking at Jess for his answer.

His eyes meet mine, and then look away. He's staring at the ground when he speaks up.

"How long've you got?"

"Just under Fifty-Nine hours." I put the kettle on the stove and set it to boil.


"Yeah..." Once I've got my mug ready, I walk back towards the living room and sit beside my laptop, facing Jess. Who has followed me back.

"Well. What do you want to do?" He asks me.

"Jess, don't. I need some help here! I don't have time for this. I wouldn't be asking if I knew what I wanted." 

I get up again, when I hear the kettle whistling, and pour the water into the French Press. (A/N: or bodum. Same diff)

"So we've entered the no tolerance zone." Jess says from the living room.

"It's been a long time coming."

I pour myself a cup of coffee, and prepare it as needed.

"What about telling your life story? Just everything that happened to you, your life is pretty interesting." He yells from the other room."

"I don't know... I thought about that but it seems kind of weird." I answer.

"Alright." He says.

"Coffee?" I ask him.


So I go back into the living room.

Jess is on my laptop, reading my ideas list.

"Hey. what if you based it off of a town meeting? Like... Well no." He shakes his head.

"No. Say it." At this point I'll take anything.

"Well, you start it as a town meeting right?"


"Alright, well then Taylor brings something up, some problem, in New York. You live in stars hollow right? Rory Gilmore, a young journalist, everyone likes her, eager to go out into the world. You're asked to travel there to do something, you're moving away from Stars Hollow.... Nah, it's stupid." He trails off.

"And in the beginning we meet the town at the meeting, learn about some background. I go to Luke's and other stores. The book is about the stories of stars hollow that I remember, and how hard it is to leave a place you love... I love it." I say, drinking my coffee.

"Well, glad I could help."

"Thank you." I say.

Jess gets up, and walks into his bedroom, closing the door quietly.


New Update On Friday....
Get ready! Even though I might update sooner.

Thank you so much for reading 💜


confused: a rory and jess fanficWhere stories live. Discover now