I Am A Pickle

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  • Dedicated to the person who invented pickles and cucumbers willing to be pickled!

I Am A Pickle

I am a pickle, so very green

I wonder what is like outside of my jar

I hear the people talking, about eating me

I see a giant hand coming my way

I want to be free, out of this jar

I am a pickle, so very green

I pretend I’m a warrior fighting for my life

I feel a stab on my side

I worry about the giants eating me

I cry for I fear that my life will be over

I am a pickle, so very green

I understand pickles don’t live forever

I say that we should, but I know we never will

I dream about having a life, outside of my small home

I try to escape, but normally end up on the floor

I hope one day, pickles will not be accepted as food

I am a pickle, so very green

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