I'm not sorry

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Yet another year passed by so quickly, but Stevie didn't have time to worry and feel sorry for herself, because of the fact she was getting older, that she wasn't as physically strong as she used to be, that when she walked off the stage it took her a longer time to recover, that she needed more rest, that her back was hurting more often than not. Instead of all that, she was feeling happy. She was sixty eight years old now and not much bothered her anymore, because she still could get on that stage and perform in front of thousands of people, she still created music which her fans loved, she still had most of her friends from thirty or even more years ago around her today. Sometimes, of course, she wondered to herself, how things would have turned out differently if she hadn't done one thing and chosen to do the other, how it would have affected her life, but if given a chance, she probably wouldn't want to find out - what she had today was more than what she had ever asked for.

Wanting to share her current happiness with others, Stevie decided to invite some people over and celebrate. She didn't want a big party, but her closest friends as well as the rest of Fleetwood Mac were among the ones coming over in the evening.

With about an hour left until everyone was supposed to show up, Stevie was touching up her makeup, as well as going back and forth with the choice she made on what to wear. It wasn't risky or anything, but she felt a lot more comfortable in her leggings and a loose chiffon blouse, rather than the figure hugging dress she had picked. Approaching the mirror again, she fluffed up her hair, reapplied lipstick once more and gave herself the last (hopefully) once over. 

Before she could stress some more, the doorbell rang and Sulamith jumped off the bed, running downstairs, as Stevie followed, pulling the door open and being met with the smiling faces of Mary, Sharon and Lori. 

"Hey!" Stevie smiled back at them, hugging her best friends in turns, before ushering them inside. "You guys are early."

"For what? Drinks? You said it yourself, no fancy dinner party - a gathering of friends." Lori said, as Stevie guided them to the living room. 

"I know, but... uh, I was just trying to find faults about my appearance and you lot interrupted me!"

"What faults?" Sharon rolled her eyes. "Look at you, you look gorgeous!"

"Really? I'm not overdressed?"

Mary laughed, shaking her head slightly. "I don't think there's any such thing as being overdressed for your own birthday. Anyway, please, help yourself-" She showed to the variety of drinks, but didn't get to finish her sentence, as more guests were at the door. "I'll be right back."

Christine was already standing with opened arms, when Stevie let them in, pulling her in a hug, as John, Mick and Lindsey were waiting in line. "Happy birthday!"

"Thank you, Chris! Thank you all so much for coming, but especially you, getting on a plane to be here today." Stevie said to Christine, while she greeted the men of Fleetwood Mac. 

"You're one of the most important people in my life, Stephanie Nicks, of course I was going to come."

Flashing Chris another smile, Stevie then found herself standing in front of Lindsey, who was smirking as he leaned in, whispering to her ear, as they embraced each other. "Looking good for someone as old as you."

She pulled back, looking at him pointedly. "That is really not the line to open with, Linds."

"You know, I'm only teasing you." He drew her in closer again, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "Happy birthday, Steph."

 "Thanks." She locked eyes with him for a moment longer, before returning back to the living room. 

Since everybody knew each other well, there was no awkwardness, as everyone started filling up their glasses and striking up conversations. Stevie was glad, observing the people closest to her. Not that long ago, they were going through such rough times, hardly able to stay in the same room for longer than absolutely necessary and here they were now, with no animosity and only love between them.

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