Chapter 4

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  *A year later*

One day I suddenly felt dizziness, I was taken to the hospital. After every checkup doctors informed me that I was pregnant. Yes I was pregnant without knowing who the father of that unborn one was because in those days I used to sleep with almost 20 men.

"You have to abort this child" instructed the head of the brothel.

"No, I can't take life of the one who didn't even step in this world" I said.

"You have to abort understand, you fix this in your mind that you are a prostitute now u can't become mother understand this fact otherwise it will not be good for you" threatened the head of the brothel.

"Do whatever you want but I will not abort the child" I said firmly.

"Fine" replied the head of the brothel and left me there.

She came outside and instructed something to the doctor and handed him ample amount of money and left.
Doctor came inside and said me, "You need to take rest so I will give you some intravenous medicines and then you will be fine."

Doctor injected something to me and within few seconds I was unconscious and then the most heartbreaking thing in a women's life happened. The doctor performed Hysterectomy (removal of uterus) so that I can never get pregnant again.
After few hours when I gained my senses back doctor informed me everything and again I cried on my destiny. I was brought back to the brothel and the same night of the surgery I was forced to do adultery. After that man completed his hunger he left me there. I got up from bed and was walking lamely, but no one was there to help me.... to take me away from the pain of that hell.
So, I decided to leave the brothel with my child and I was hit by you.

I felt myself crying after a long time. The last time I cried was when Ipsita refused my proposal. I wiped out my tears as didn't want to show it to her.
I took her to my home.
Meera: Nobody lives here?
I: Me only.
I (pointing towards her daughter): What's her name?
Meera: I haven't given her any name yet.
I: Okay then, from today her name is Ipsita. You can live here with me. Feel free to say anything.
Yes, I named her after the name of my first love.
Meera: I could never repay whatever you did for me.
I: Aah.... You don't need to.  

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