Junjou Romantica- Last Memories

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Usami stood up and stretched for a little. He then tried to stand up, but stumbled down onto the bed. He was getting weak, but Usami couldn't forget about his Misaki.' Takahiro was acting a bit weird at first. he must have been hiding something. It wasn't a big secret,' Usagi thought as he tried to stand up once more. The weight of his body has never felt this heavy. It was like gravity failed him. He once more fell down on his bottom onto the bed. He doesn't like his illness not even one bit, it was an object blocking him and Misaki from going near each other also the nurse and doctors were too. If only he had a good rason to visit Misaki. he can't just say " I need Misaki" or " He's lonely." The nurse would giggle and tell him to go back. With his situation, he couldn't even stand up properly without asistant. Everyone would just let him be because they knew that it wouldn't be good to help him up.


Takahiro was now annoyed that Misaki wouldn't talk to him nor do anything like he usually does. Misaki would always sit outside lookinga t the ground where he planted a beautiful one rare blue rose. It was quiet, his wife, Nanami Takahashi, and his baby boy, Mahiro. Mahiro was worried about Misaki and tried to cheer him up. Nanami would tell Mahiro to leave him be, he's feeling depressed so Mahiro would do so, but still go to misaki at times. misaki would always try to signal he wanted to drink water which made Takahiro even more worried. Water is all Misaki would drink and he would never eat anything and skip every meal time. Nanami would leave a cup of cold water for him. It was now night and Misaki was still outside. Eyes with no colors witha distant look in his eyes. Takahiro would always tell him it was bed time, but he'll always say, " Time is wasting." He would sigh and grab his hand then drag him to bed.

At the morning, Nanami would look into the room Misaki was sleeping in. He would always look back and emotionlessly say, " The outside." Nanami would know what he was saying and holds his hand to the backdoor where he sat down and stare at the ground (flower) again. It was now a morning and night routin, but still, Takahiro, Nanami, and Mahiro would be concerned. if he showed any emotion like smiling a little or cry then the problem would be solve, but since the day Usami got into that situation, Misaki has been like that for a long time.


It's been 4 years since Misaki was gone and Takahiro and his family was worried. After summer ended on the next 1 year, Misaki came back and arrived at Takahiro's house. After knocking on the door, Takahiro quickly opened it and Misaki fell onto him. It was a happy day for Tkahiro adn the other 2, but after Misaki woke up, it became a very odd. Misaki didn't do much, but drink water, sit on the backdoor steps and stare at the flower he plented. He was staring at it as if Misaki was talking to it. Nanami would offer him some dinner, however, he wouldn't eat not even look at unless it was water. Misaki would look at it for a little and pick it up slowly then drink it. 5-7 gulps, he would finish it and for awhile ask for another one. It was different than usual. Takahiro would never tell Usagi because he knew Usagi would run over here as quick as he can and ask Misaki lots of question then see him in the form he's in. Usagi wouldn't recover after seeing Misaki in that form and would also make his illness worse.

Back to the present

Usagi has finally healed up and it's been about 4 years already! The nurse and doctors sadly waved goodbye, and as Usagi eagerly rushed to Takahiro's house, Nanami opened the door and was really surprise. Usagi asked if he could see Misaki and she said to wait for a while. Nanami kept the door open adn ran to Takahiro who was playing with little Mahiro. Takahiro walked over to Misaki after hearing that Usagi has finally recovered and came to pick up Misaki. He smiled and told him," Usagi san has came to pick you up ^_^" Misaki looked over to Takahiro and said weakly," Time is almost up." Takahiro was now shocked! He then yelled," Why are you so pale! Nanami! Come here! I need help!!" She quickly ran over with Usagi who was very confused and worried. Misaki looked over to Usagi and weakly smiled as big as he can. It was truly his best one anyone has everr seen in a long time! It was big as ever and gave happy thoughts and chills into Takahiro, Nanami, and mostly Usagi. He hasn't seen Misaki for so long and that's his reward, the best smile in "his" universe. Usagi ran over to Misaki and hugged him as tight, but lightly. Misaki hugged back and cried with all of his tears that his face turned rosey red like he was blushing. Usagi, on the other hand, was doing the same, crying, but not with red cheeks. Everyone then heard a voice that said," Your wish has been granted, goodbye Misaki Takahashi." Usagi hugged him even tighter. Misaki disappeared slowly into dust. The dust was bright gold like real gold. Takahiro stared in shock and shivered like death was near. Nanami was crying while hugging her husband. Usagi finally felt nothing, but just clothes. It was a heart-breaking moment for everyone even Mahiro who say everything and cried aloud as he ever did after Misaki disappeared. After that day, Usagi has been working on his books and doing as much work and turning it in quickly. His editor, Eri Aikawa, was upset at the news she heard from Usagi. Misaki died and the only thing that reminded Usagi of him was the blue rose Misaki would always look at. It was the colors of his eyes that made him happy. "Misaki must have got this flower to help me with my illness. (chuckles) Wasting his life for me. So cute."


I hope you enjoyed it, see ya later! >_< Read my other stories if you love this one :D I would appreciate it! AND THANK YOU! That first person who commented on the story! You made do this last chapter!!! You are a great help to me, Felwa Mehmet <3 You are awesome!!!!

Junjou Romantica- Misaki's After Life WishWhere stories live. Discover now